I'm pretty proud of this one, I must say. I did it in about an hour and with doing all the scales one by one I was surprised that it didn't take me longer.
This dragon sort of reminds me of one of my characters, Solaris, who is a powerful female General in one of my books. She likes to remind others that she is dominant, but she is also a loyal and caring Protector to the Queen. She is always watching others, especially the other General and Protector, to make sure that no one discovers her past or her true feelings.
I hope y'all like it!
My Sketchbook
RandomHere you can see some of my sketches (good or bad!) and comment with constructive criticism or just plain old compliments. If you like them you can always vote (you don't have to, though). If you don't feel like doing anything and you just want to s...