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I know this isn't a drawing, but I wanted to share my sadness over the death of this great lion.
Do you notice how dark his mane is? That means that he never lost a fight, and yet he lost his life to an arrow from the bow of man. I'm not saying this to blame anyone, because I honestly cannot expect more from humans. We have flaws and that's abundantly clear. I just want to give Cecil the respect he deserves. I also know that he will not be the only one affected, and his line of strong, healthy cubs will most likely be killed when the next lion comes around. Also any other males in the pride will probably be killed or be rejected from the pride.
This is the natural order of things, but it didn't happen naturally. And that is what is so wrong about all of this. He didn't deserve to die from an arrow. He deserved to live out the rest of his natural life in dignity.
Some of you may argue that he is only a lion, but other than a big brain, bipedal legs, and hands, are we really that different from him?

May you rest in peace, Cecil.
May your lineage carry on in your absence and may your pride stay strong, because I know that you fought for their safety at the risk of your own life.
You and any other lions who have been wrongfully killed will be missed.

R.I.P. Cecil.

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