Chapter-1 New Beginnings

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"Pick up the phone yaar Arjun", Diksha said as she kept trying Arjun's number. They were already late for college on the first day of college. Arjun and Diksha were Forensic Science students and they were already running late. Suddenly a bike stopped in front of Diksha and it turned out to be Arjun. "Arey sorry sorry, I couldn't sleep the entire night, so I got up late" said Arjun as he apologized to Diksha. "Man we're already late. Let's go" said Diksha as they hurried off to class. Dev was already waiting for them inside the campus. "What the hell man, late on the first day?" said Dev. "Ehh shut up da, let's go to class. We'll meet you after the first class" said Diksha. After the class ends, Diksha and Arjun meet up with Dev who was waiting outside their classroom. "Guys I'm hungry" says Diksha. "Okay then, let's check out the canteen? What do you say?" said Dev. Arjun doesn't say anything and simply follows them. Dev and Diksha on noticing Arjun's silence realized that something was up. Upon reaching the canteen, Dev and Diksha order burgers and sit down at the mess. Dev signals Diksha to ask Arjun to ask what's up. "Yaar Arjun, tell me you think that we will not notice that you haven't been talking properly since the past few days? Why are you being so silent?" Arjun nods a no in response and gives a weak smile to the two. "Oi tell us straight up. Is it because of Pallavi?" asked Diksha. Arjun remained silent. Diksha understood. "I knew it!" she exclaimed. "What did she do this time?" asked Diksha. "Tell us everything." Arjun in defeat revealed that Pallavi had cheated on him with another guy and broke up with him. "I knew that girl was a bitch!" said Diksha in anger. "I told you that I didn't get a good feeling about her. You deserve someone better" said Dev, "It's okay, don't beat yourself up." To this Diksha said, "Hey why don't we go out somewhere tonight? I heard there's a new restaurant opening that has an open mic, what do you say?". Dev agreed to the plan. Arjun, though not so much in the mood, agreed to the idea. At 6 o'clock in the evening, all Diksha arrived at Dev's bike. They saw that Arjun was already waiting for them in front of the restaurant. All three together entered the restaurant and went to the 2nd floor of the restaurant. The top floor of the restaurant was an open restaurant and gave a beautiful view of the city. Arjun was a musician, a singer and a guitarist. Dev and Diksha forced Arjun to perform. Arjun, although not willing, obliged to the request of his two best friends. At the end of the night, even though Arjun had broken up with Pallavi, he felt a little better after he spent time with his friends than he was a few days after his breakup. The next day,  as Arjun pulled up his bike at the University parking lot, Dev and Diksha noticed that Arjun looked better than before. He was smiling. Which meant that he was starting to move on from his ex. As they went into their classes, their seniors announced that there is going to be a Freshers Party at the weekend, and everyone is to wear casual or semi formal. Arjun and his friends decided to wear casual outfits as it was the summer season. On the day of Freshers, Dev met a new guy, Roy, a bengali guy who had come to Delhi to study Computer Science. When the Freshers party started, the seniors put up a really entertaining evening for the students. As the students danced to the DJ and the bollywood tunes, Arjun on his bike and watched the others. Dev and Diksha were dancing away on the dance floor. In the midst of the crowd of students dancing, the noise and the flickering lights, Arjun's eyes fell on someone. It was a girl. And as he looked at her, the noise and crowd, seemed to fade away....

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