About the Author

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Hello There
Hello everyone and welcome to my very Wattpad short story. I've only ever written fanfiction so this is a new avenue for me to explore.
Nevertheless, I am so excited to be sharing my stories with other people who share my interests and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer in future.
Please be sure to read and share my stories. On top of that I would really appreciate it if you could vote and comment on my stories.
I love hearing and receiving feedback on my work (can't get enough) and would like to hear what you have to say.
I take compliments and constructive criticism.
I hope we can go on this adventure together.

About the Author
My name is Captain Phoenix. I'm just a simple man trying to make his way in the galaxy.
But in all seriousness, I love writing and figured this would be a good place to let that out.
I also have a YouTube channel. Which I highly recommend you all check out. It's under the same name "Captain Phoenix".
As said, I love writing and thought I would have a go at short stories. I've been doing fanfiction for a while but the fire for that is slowly fizzing out so I thought I'd find a different way to keep myself active on Wattpad.

Asking for forgiveness
I know I'm not the best writer. Hell, my first story probably has a hundred things wrong with it but I hope you can bear with me. I hope to improve in my writing as time goes on.
Another thing is my fanfiction. For those who are fans or just casual readers of my other fics, don't worry, I do plan on finishing them at some point, I just thought I'd branch out with other things first.

When do I write? How long do I update?

As a guy still in college, I can't promise I will upload frequently. There will be LONG breaks but when I do come back, I love to come back swinging. I will also be alternating with every project of mine so I don't become stagnant and monotonous. Meaning every entry will be a different short story or fanfic chapter. So please be understanding as I try to make my schedule work for me as I do have other things to do.

Other Projects

As said, I have a YouTube channel, so please go check that out. I highly recommend it.

Link to Captain Phoenix (my first channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEWpCT_JTzTx7y9tI7A6p-w

Link to Penguin Ninja (my second channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb-O6nXmAcJiJlcmryWIT2g

I am also working on other projects, which I highly recommend you check out on my page.

I hope you guys enjoy and I hope I can deliver.

Thank you.

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