Part 21. (Giving Birth)

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I saw that we are now outside of the hospital and Xiaojun quickly got out of the car to open the door I also quickly got out of the car while Lucas, Winwin, Sion, Sakuya and Ryo is shouting for the doctor and nurse to help us Sungchan and Shotaro is behind me gently supporting Y/N's head while we we're running to the doctor

"Doc! Doc!, my wife is giving birth please help us" I said worried for both of my wife and twins

they took my wife inside the emergency room and we wait outside for awhile until a nurse came out and told me to change to go and be with my wife while she's giving birth, I quickly changed and get inside to where she is

they took my wife inside the emergency room and we wait outside for awhile until a nurse came out and told me to change to go and be with my wife while she's giving birth, I quickly changed and get inside to where she is

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I hold her hand and support her head using my left arm while she's pushing

"Ahhh" she screamed as she held my hand more tighter then I whispered sweet and comforting words to her

"You can do it baby, you can do it I'll be here I love you, good push mommy"

She stopped pushing and look at me exhausted

"It hurts" she cried

"I know baby I know, I love you" I also cried and nods lightly still holding her hand while she pushes again


"One more push mommy, I can see it's head, Push"

After the doctor said that she breath out and let out a long push, that's when we heard cries, we look at each other and smile

"Thank you baby" she nods and we kiss

"It's a healthy baby boy, happy birthday and happy new year"

"healthy baby boy is out at 1:00 am"

the nurse hand me my son and I let Y/N kiss our son first before she push again

"What will we name him?" she ask me as I let a tears stream while looking at our son's face

"Hàoyú, because this little boy will be like me who's not afraid to reach for the stars and be one of them"

"Hàoyú, what a beautiful name, beautiful like his father" she chuckle, I hand my son to the nurse again to help my wife push our daughter


"Push mommy push, the head is almost there"

"Ahhh" She pushed and I whisper sweet and comforting words again

"Go mommy, I love you mommy, you can do it" I whispered while kissing her cheek and dorsal

"One more push mommy it's head is almost there"

She let out a one last long push, then we heard our baby girl cries

"It's a healthy baby girl, happy birthday and happy new year"

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