Part 23. (Family Bonding and Christening)

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Third person's POV

The couple woke up they kiss and cuddle each other before doing their morning routine and go in their twins bedroom, they pick them up and put them on the babies bed and change them because they're gonna have a family bonding

The couple woke up they kiss and cuddle each other before doing their morning routine and go in their twins bedroom, they pick them up and put them on the babies bed and change them because they're gonna have a family bonding

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The couple's go to their destination with their twins on Y/N's lap all smiling and laughing while they talk about their twins and their plans for the day

The family bond together showing their twin all the things that they've seen and visited before, they go to lotte world, beach, restaurant, and visited some province that Kun had been before they're so happy watching the sunset with their little ones on their arms they stared at them melting at the sight the couple look to one another and kiss each other they kiss for awhile until they heard their little ones farted


"I think they've done their business bub"
I laugh seeing Kun scrunch his nose we got back inside the camper van and change the twins, me and Kun is about to make milk when suddenly one of the twin scream we turn around and saw

"I think they've done their business bub"I laugh seeing Kun scrunch his nose we got back inside the camper van and change the twins, me and Kun is about to make milk when suddenly one of the twin scream we turn around and saw

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Me and Kun look at each other and both chuckle at the sight

"Does our babies want us to see them learn how to lay on their tummy?"
Kun said in a cute tone making our twins giggle

"They're laughing at you bub" we laugh along with the twins who are making cute baby noises, then make them milk to drink, we feed them their milk then the twins fall asleep, Kun carefully carry the two of them so that I can sit in the front he place the twins on my lap in their infant carrier

"They're laughing at you bub" we laugh along with the twins who are making cute baby noises, then make them milk to drink, we feed them their milk then the twins fall asleep, Kun carefully carry the two of them so that I can sit in the front he pl...

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"Their sleeping baby, you should also rest" he held my hand

"It's okay big bear, I want to spend sometime with you"

He kiss me then start the car and drove off

"What do you wanna eat baby?" he ask looking at the restaurant we passed by

"Anything baby"

"How about burger?"

"Yeah, we can get that are you still full?"

"Yup so let's just get burger so we have something to munch on"

I nod

We go in the shake shack doota drive thru and order what we want

I saw a sauce on the side of his lips so I broke our holding hands he look at me confuse

"Why did you break our hold hand?"

"You got something on your lips, let me wipe it"

I wipe it with a tissue and hold his hand again, jeez this guy it's just a hold hand but he react as if I'm going somewhere without him

"Owh, thank you" he showed me his dimple smile again then we set aside our trash and he begin to drive again

When we got home we settled on the couch first since it's still too early to go to our rooms we put our babies in the bassinets beside us then we get change while the twins is still sleeping, we got back downstairs and change the twins
that's when they wake up

When we got home we settled on the couch first since it's still too early to go to our rooms we put our babies in the bassinets beside us then we get change while the twins is still sleeping, we got back downstairs and change the twinsthat's when ...

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I stare at my wife that's busy making milk, she still didn't change she's still the teenage Y/N I've met years ago she used to help the orphanage before she got too busy with her personal life she was assigned where the babies are she prepared their milk, change them, make them sleep on her chest or arms, feed them and leave them when it's about to get night time she used to cry on the way home and always say that she feel so sorry for the kids that got abandoned by their parents who's supposed to take care of them. Now that she has her own kids she always protect, love and care for them my thought got cut of when my wife get the twins and lay them comfortably in their bassinets I go to her and help her feed our babies, after the twins finished their milk we carry them and help them burp once the twins are done burping we put them in the bassinets again then they play with the hanging stuff toys, we watch movies

"Our twins is growing so fast now and tomorrow is their christening, what do you plan to do after?" I ask my wife

"Hmmm not much since my wound still hurt I think we just gonna eat"

"Okay, I'll cook some Korean and Chinese Food"

"I like that baby"

I hmmm and kiss my wife then cuddle til' we fall asleep along with our twins


Third person's POV

Today is the day of the twins christening, the couple is so busy looking out for their twins before changing them into their clothes, once the twins got change Their parents look out for their grandchildren so that the couple can prepare themselve...

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Today is the day of the twins christening, the couple is so busy looking out for their twins before changing them into their clothes, once the twins got change Their parents look out for their grandchildren so that the couple can prepare themselves and when everything is settled the christening ceremony starts the twins are all giggly making everyone in the church laugh and in awww then after the christening the twins received a lot of gifts and the big happy family eat, talk, dance and enjoy the day til' night

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