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At the hospital,

Keerti quickly walks towards the hospital room, anxiousness and stress evident on her face, as soon as she sees the number at the top of the door which her mother mentioned.

The door was slightly closed, and Keerti forwarded her hands to open it. But heard her father asking " Where is Aniket? " And she stops her hand standing there itself.

" I had called Keerti she must be on the way. " Reply came instantly from her mom.

She again tried to open it but her father again asked the same question " What about Aniket? "

Her mother replied " I have already informed that keerti will be here. "

Keerit thought "It's enough to overhear them. I should just enter and pretend I didn't hear anything. "

Girish shouted " Forget keerti, I don't want her. I am asking about aniket. "

Her mother replied " He is not picking up the call. I have already texted him. "

Girish said "Let me call him "

Her mother replied "I have texted him. He will arrive here when he will come. "

Keerti took her hands back and thought " Great, he doesn't want me. And here i am worry even though i myself is not in good condition "

She opens the door and goes inside.

She smiled " Dad, how are you feeling now? "

Girish replied smiling " Better than before "

Keerti's mother said " You should tell your dad to take driver. Instead of driving on his own..and see, now he have to be admitted in hospital ."

Keerti said looking at Girish" Mom is right, though It's good that it's not too serious. BUT From next time you are not going to drive. "

Girish replied" I know, don't worry. And by the way, do you know where Aniket is? "

Keerti replied while clutching her hands tightly" He must be in his office. I haven't talked to him. But I will try calling him and let him know"

Girish said "No need. I will get discharged soon. Tell him to come directly at home. "

Keerti nodded and Girish asked, " I haven't heard from you husband."

Keerti interrupted " Dad I have to go. Take care and I have already bought all the medicines prescripted by doctor . Don't forget to take them. "

Girish nodded and replied " dont worry about me..i am completely fine."

Keerti turned around and said without looking at them " And dad, if you don't want me. Then let me know next time earlier. So I will send aniket. "

Keerti left from there.

Her mom said " You should think before you speak. She heard everything. "

Girish replied" I didn't know she was listening and I didn't mean it that way. I just want to talk to aniket about her girlfriend. He agreed to bring her to meet with us. "

Her mom replied " Still you shouldn't have said something like that" and she goes out to talk to her but she saw that she has already left.

Keerti reached for her car and as soon as she sat inside she clutched her abdomen as the sensation of pain increased.

Keerti took her phone and called aniket, he picked up after two rings and she asked immediately "Where are you? "

Anket replied "I am still in my office. Why? "

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