04 ― brawl at the mall.

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❝ don't you dare even think about it

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don't you dare even think about it. ❞


Next to him sat Myra, who was stuffing her face with candy that she had gotten from Candy Corner. Even though Sam had offered to buy the girl food, Myra said she wasn't hungry and just wanted to eat her candy. Vincent knew that Myra would more than likely end up feeling sick later from eating so much candy, but he let her anyway.

Myra was lost in her own world as Vincent, Robby, and Sam engaged in a conversation about Robby's driver's license.

"Oh-ho-ho," Sam said, holding the card in her hand. "Sweet man bun."

Vincent took a sip of his drink and glanced at the picture. He immediately covered his hand with his mouth as he tried not to spit his drink out from laughing so hard. Vincent slowly swallowed his drink, coughing and laughing at the same time.

"I told you it was a horrible picture," Robby laughed.

"You know, if you were friends with me at the time, I could have warned you that this was a fad," Sam said, continuing to tease him.

Vincent nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, well," Robby shrugged. "I'm stuck with it for five years, so no biggie, right?"

"Wait," Sam said. "Robert Swayze Keene?"

Robby chuckled. "My mom was a huge fan of Patrick Swayze. He was an actor in the 80s."

"Yeah, like, I haven't seen Dirty Dancing, like, one hundred times," Sam responded.

"My mom made me watch it all the time," Robby told her.

Vincent raised an eyebrow. That wasn't true in the slightest. Sure, there were multiple occasions where the two of them watched the movie with Robby's mom, but there were also several instances where it was just the two of them.

"Made you?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"Okay, maybe I liked it," Robby admitted.

"Hey, Vinny, ready for movie night?" twelve-year-old Robby asked.

Vincent nodded his head. "Let me guess, we're starting off with Dirty Dancing?"

"Don't we always?" Robby asked. "It's tradition, and we have got to keep up with tradition."

Vincent laughed. "Obviously. You know, I'm starting to think that Dirty Dancing might be your favorite movie. I'm just not sure if it's because of the movie or because your namesake is in it."

Robby's laughter joined Vincent's. "Don't be ridiculous. That's like saying your favorite movie is Top Gun because your middle name is Maverick."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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