Name: Batourou
Last name: Reyes
Origin: 🇩🇴🇸🇳🇲🇱🇺🇸
Height: 1.56
Age: 11
Date of birth : 15/01/2011
Occupation: Rapper, football player and student Ashley and Amy's little sister and Davidson big sister and best friend of Ethan
'' He hurts me so munch ''Name: Ashley
Last name : Reyes
Origin: 🇸🇳🇲🇱🇺🇸🇩🇴
Height: 1.69
Age: 14
Date of birth: 03/07/2007
Occupation: Student influencers and model Amy's big sister Batourou and Davidson'' He makes you suffer ''
Name: Amy
Last Name: Reyes
Origin: 🇩🇴🇲🇱🇸🇳🇺🇸
Height: 1.67
Age: 12
Date of birth: 12/05/2010
Occupation: Student basketball player Batourou and Davidson's big sister and Ashley's little sister
'' Why is he like that ? ''Name: Davidson
Last name: Reyes
Origin: 🇩🇴🇲🇱🇸🇳🇺🇸
Height : 1.51
Age: 5
Date of birth:18/07/2017
Occupation:Student little brother of Batourou's Amy and Ashley
'' Why do you have bobo in your heart ? ''
Name: Skye
Last name: Reyes
Origin: 🇩🇴🇲🇱🇺🇸
Height : 1.76
Age: 33
Date of birth: 02/01/1989
Occupation: Real estate and model
'' I'm going to catch this little motherfuck ''Salut j'espère vous avez aimé la présentation c'est que le début c'est la première fois que je fais une chronique désolée pour les fautes j'ai pas mis tout les personnages mais ils y en a je les mettrai au fur et a mesure Bye 💋