Chapter 14: Wild Beast

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Lex exhales, watching the water run down his hands while the sounds of the faucet fills the lonely bathroom. Soap swirling down the drain hypnotized him, causing his eyes to water. Sighing again as his shoulders sunk down and his head felt like a water bed someone just got into.

"Now, this is a welcoming view," said an unknown male.

A disgusting tone filled with lust and the familiar voice erased the quietness of the bathroom by turning it into an eerie feeling. Abruptly turning around, Lex felt his heart pounding in his throat as his eyes landed on familiar ones.

Rafael stood in front of the door while the running water fills the silence between them. A satisfying grin wrinkled his evil eyes, stretching out his long leg attached to shoes that sparkled in the bright, iridescent light. A warmth washes over his chest as he slowly struts towards Lex, who resembles a baby deer. A familiar feeling to hunting prey.

Lex couldn't say anything due to fear strangling his throat. His shaky legs made his whole body tremble, doing their best to carry him backward before the wall cut off any more movements. Adrenaline boosted a bit of confidence, filling his stalled brain and electrifying his nervous system into a hyper-drive.

Seeing this little amusing trick, Rafael couldn't help but chuckle at the tickling sensation in his gut as he peers closer to Lex's blue eyes, watching them turn into panic.

Lex cowered at Rafael's threatening stance, stalling any escape plan. A deep, gut-wrenching chuckle bursts out, overlapping the sound of the faucet. Abruptly's snapping his arms up against the wall, trapping Lex.

"Look at you," Rafael said, breathless, unable to believe the individual before him while studying the perfect, porcelain face and the small body shaking against the wall. "Are you even real?"

 Exhaling out, his warm breath slapping Lex's in the face causing him to flinch sideways. The cold bathroom tiles muffling the sound of running water and a pounding heartbeat.

"My brother sure knows how to pick them," said Rafael, whispering against Lex's ear, nibbling a little on the earlobe.


Rafael pulls his head back, an electric shock shot down to his groin twisting his features into ugly pleasure. Placing his right hand on Lex's shoulder feeling the warmth spread under his grip as he draws closer in.

"My brother- did he tell you everything?"

Breathing out the words on Lex's neck, taking in a most intoxicating smell Rafael never smelled before, like blooming roses mixed with vanilla. A disgustingly large smile curls on his face seeing questions form in Lex's little mind as more pleasure bubbles up.

"Considering you're his woman, it's only right... Did he tell you about Catherine? She was also a good-looking piece of meat but not like you... Whoo," Rafael said, breathing out. "Baby..."

Lex couldn't help, subconsciously turn  towards the monster from curiosity swelling inside him. One thing Matthew hasn't really talked much about his past. Right then and there, Lex felt a wall go up between Matthew and him as he searches through his memory to see if a Catherine got brought up in their conversations, but nothing.

"Wha-" he said, before getting cut off by lips being smashed against his.

Rafael's eyes curl in delight as he watches Lex's eyes bulge through their kiss.

Lex felt all the warmth leave his body as time slowed down to almost a complete stop. The bathroom wall pushes against his back while his attacker moves closer, deepening the kiss. His lips felt slimy, a dirty feeling coats the inside of Lex's mouth, crawling down his throat and cutting the inside of his chest. The air was still around the two of them strangling Lex and a cold sensation gnaws at his fingers. Emptiness clouds the confusion that filled his head.

To Lex, it was as if he was in a movie theater, watching an old, soundless, black-and-white film.

Rafael's big build flung across the bathroom, his head smacking into the wall causing the tile to crack and crumble along with his body. Blood slowly reveals itself behind sloppy black hair that covers Rafael's eyes.

Matthew stood between them with a scary look resembling a rapid panther.

Lex couldn't move, watching everything play out in front of him as if he were watching an old, soundless, black-and-white film in a movie theater.

Matthew was unable to process anything but anger as he throws back aggressive punches, landing center of his brother's face.

Rafael couldn't retort any actions as he lay limp on the bloodied tiles but his grin never disappears from his lips.

Security ran inside, trying to stop the violent attack as the incident started to gather a crowd. Pointless struggled against Matthew's strength as four men tries to pull Matthew off only to get pushed away.

Ian made his way through the crowd pushing anyone who got in his way as he carries a look of annoyance. Placing a hand on Matthew's shoulder causing him to flinch, glaring his way.

"I'm all for a good beating but I think you should take care of the little one," Ian said, jabbing his thumb in Lex's direction.

Seeing a pale and shaking individual with glass eyes, calms Matthew down real quick, letting go of Rafael, who fell limp on the red tiles as he switch his attention to Lex.

Kneeling in front of the absent-minded individual, his eyes are no longer in the present. Throwing his coat over Lex's head so no pictures could be taken. Scooping Lex up Cradling him in his arms, walking towards Ian whose standing in front of the bathroom door. 

"Your guy should be out there, ready with the car. I'll take care of this thing," Ian said calmly, stepping on Rafael's hand.

"...I owe you one," Matthew said, his voice sounding rougher like someone holding back tears as he stares down at Lex.

"Sure. Maybe we all can go out sometime and get a drink, my treat... Get ahold of me."

A brief nod was Matthew's reply and farewell before making his way through the crowd that parted for him and towards the exit.

The drive is long and quiet. Matthew kept glancing towards Lex's sleeping face before looking back out the window. The glow of the traffic lights shines softly on his face while his thoughts are unreadable. Sirens faintly scream with the background noise of city life as they speed across the intersection they drove past minutes before. 

2-Fingers glance away from the review mirror back at the road. There weren't a lot of cars out on the highway tonight, as they drove peacefully around the curve. 

Completing the night, at one of Matthew's mansions, located outskirts of the city.

Matthew put Lex to bed, tucking him in before taking a shower down the hall, making sure not to wake him.

Bending down his head feeling the hot water run down his naked body. Watching the water race down the walls before lifting his face, submerging it under the water devouring his entire face. The bathroom scene abruptly plays before it stops at the part of Rafael kissing Lex. Matthew's veins felt like ice water was running through them.


His hand making a solid sound as he punched the wall, watching a few pieces crumble towards his feet. Lifting his head to see small damage to the knuckles. Watching the blood slowly get hit away by water droplets and steam rises off his naked body as it gets scolded.

Once the water ran cold, it was time to get out. Tugging on a pair of black silk pj bottoms that hung loosely around his hips. A big scar on the left side caught his attention causing him to brush his fingers against the sensitive skin while going absentminded. Pulling himself out of it as he flings open the door to reveal a person in a suit, in the hallway waiting for Matthew to get out.

2-Fingers were stood with a small tablet in hand and a stiff expression. 

"Sir, Alfonso is on the line- he's getting impatient."

"Did you look into what I asked earlier?" Said Woolvertin, ignoring him.

"It should be finished this afternoon."

"Good. Let's go talk to this senile old man so we can go to bed."

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