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As Blaze stood there, still reeling from the surge of energy, a deep, resonant voice filled the cavern. It seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once, vibrating through the very air around him.

"You have been chosen to wield one of these shards," the voice intoned, and Blaze realized with a start that it was the Ultima Tree itself speaking to him. "But the question is, which one will you become the wielder of? Know this: a shard will choose its master, not the other way around."

Blaze's heart raced as he looked around at the myriad of glowing shards embedded in the tree's roots and branches. Each pulsed with a different color and intensity, as if alive and aware. He could feel their power calling out to him, a symphony of magical energies that made his skin tingle.

"I... I don't understand," Blaze stammered, his voice echoing in the vast chamber. "How will I know which one chooses me?"

The tree's voice softened, taking on an almost paternal tone. "Listen with more than your ears, young one. Feel with more than your hands. The shard that is meant for you will resonate with your very essence."

Blaze closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He focused on the energy flowing through him, the newfound power that hummed beneath his skin. As he did, he became aware of a pull, a connection to one particular shard.

Opening his eyes, he saw a crystal nestled in the roots near his feet. It glowed with a soft, blue light that seemed to pulse in time with his heartbeat. The Obori Shard, he realized, somehow knowing its name.

As he reached out towards it, the shard's glow intensified, and Blaze felt a surge of possibilities flood his mind. Images of incredible feats, limited only by his imagination, flashed before his eyes.

"The Obori Shard," the tree's voice confirmed. "A relic of limitless potential. It has chosen you, Blaze Aegis. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Your journey begins now."

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