The First

355 8 15

11 years ago...

President Snows Pov

I pulled the syringe out of cloves, catos, peetas, finches, katnisses, and rues DNA.

I put the syringe into her brain and slowly emptied it into her brain, I had finally finished I had already done tributes from other hunger games into her brain.

I looked down at her lying motionless on the metal bed, her blonde wavy locks, and her tiny little red lips, very long black eyelashes and the smoothest white skin, on the outside she looked like an angel but on the inside she had the mind of a killer. with cato and clove and all the other careers brains fused into her she would be the perfect assassin.

she finally awoke, she looked around and blinked, she had big sapphire blue eyes. your probably thinking that its cruel to experiment on a child, but she is barely 1 she has no idea whats going on.

i send for her to be dumped in district 2 where she will be trained even more, that's where my peacekeepers are trained. speaking of which one comes and picks her up, i smirk knowing my plan WILL work, she stares at me with those innocent eyes and they burn into my soul.

you may be saying 'how cruel taking a little baby from her home' but she had no home i mixed some of the tributes DNA to create her, she is an experiment no more no less and she WILL do as i want because if she doesn't she will feel pain like no other.

"sir" a peacekaeeper says

"what" i ask

"we dropped her off at district 12" he informed

"you idiots i said district 2 not 12" i yell "leave" he nods his head and walks out. i am going to pay a visit to district 12.

when i arrive i go to where the peackeeper said he left the kid. he left her at the justice building on the steps in a box.

i walk to the steps and see an overturned box, fixing it the right way round i see nothing no blanket nothing. i kick the box in anger and it falls down the steps. my plan is ruined, ruined.........


in a days time is the reaping, I woke up before dawn. grabbing my coat and putting on my socks and boots. I crept down the hall and prayed that my father wouldn't be up. walking through our little bakery I saw dad his back turned, I dropped to my knees and crawled under the table. he went into another room, probably to get more flour and I took the opportunity to run outside closing the door quietly.

I ran through the empty streets zig-zagging my way to the fence. I listened closing and heard the faint buzz of the electricity, I walked over to the nearby house and climbed onto the roof and then jumped over the fence into a tree, I landed and swayed only the slightest before righting myself and jumping into another tree. I continued jumping from tree to tree until I got to my destination.

I jumped down from the tree landing on my feet, and walked into the woods. I grabbed my knifes from the rose bush, being careful with the thorns and the retrieved my spears from the reeds by the lake and my rusty old sword from the old decaying log. I made my way to the little clearing in the woods and kicked away the shrubs and righted the wooden dummies.

one... I picked up my spear. two... I held it at my shoulder. three... I spun around. I threw my spear so hard that it went straight through the dummy's heart and lodged into the other ones head. I grabbed my sword from my back, I sliced a dummy's head off and threw the sword straight through two and it lodged into a thirds gut, I then held a knife in each hand and held another in my mouth. I threw the first two knifes at the same time into one dummy's heart and the other into a dummy's head I then grabbed my last knife and hit the dummy right in the eye.

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