Chapter 3: Brother?

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I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and I was laying on a leather couch. Huh, I didn't remember having a leather couch... Oh shit... That wasn't a dream. I bolted up, not knowing where I was or where anyone was, but I did know I had to get out of here. I got up slowly, making sure not to make any noises, and then I went into what was the kitchen. I mean if they kidnapped me they should at least give me some coffee right? I poured myself a little cup, and put some milk into it. I turned around to see an angry looking person, and I was suddenly scared. "Good morning Lexi, see you had a wonderful sleep," the guy said. I think his name was Greyson? Yeah. I'm pretty sure it was Greyson. Damn, he even looked like a Greyson. "Uh yea I guess so my back hurts a little bit but haha you know that's probably because of this really funny thing that happened yesterday. Wanna know what happened?" I said, basically mocking him. He had to know how I felt about this whole... Situation. He didn't answer, instead looking at me not saying a word. "Oh well, I'll take. That as a yes. See what happened was this guy named Greyson kidnapped me and you see I woke up here and I think my back hurts because of being carried. See if you. Would have let me just walk away I wouldn't be in pain" saying with a smirk. "Oh, well if you wouldn't have retaliated so much then maybe I would have let you walk here, but then again, maybe you. Wanted me to carry you. Then your back wouldn't be hurt and you would have still gotten home."
Wait. Home? This is not my home I don't know what he was saying but this was not. My home. "Woah hey mister you better think what you said again before you regret it." I said, authority in my voice. "I said, you still would have gotten home." Okay now I was pissed. "Home? This is NOT my home this will NEVER be my home my home is in Edgemoore you have NO clue what you're talking about I have a farm to keep up with I have horses that need to be trained and I'm here stuck with a asswipe like you keeping me here!" "Nobody ever said you can't leave, you do know that. You can leave if you wanted to." Wait he dragged me here all the way to say I was free to go? Hell I'll take that any day. I turned around not saying another word and walked out the door. I walked all the way to the front gate and I thought I heard someone in the bushes. "HEY! You said I could leave you are NOT coming with me I want NOTHING to do with you!" I practically screamed at the woods. I started walking again not knowing where I was, and I took a left, hoping I would find my way sometime along here.
I heard the noise again. Louder this time.
"OKAYNOWIMMADGETAWAYFROMMEIDONTKNOWWHOYOUAREIWANTNOTHINGTODOWITHYOUGODDAMNYOUIWANTNOTHINGTODOWITHYOU!!!" I screamed. Catching a breath. Now I was scared Greyson seemed to have a pair of balls he would at least say something like "I didn't mean you couldn't leave come back" or just something god I don't know now I was scared. And I never. Ever. Get scared.
I heard the noise again and I didn't care from there. I started to run, hearing now multiple sets of footsteps behind me.
I ran faster
More footsteps.
More footsteps.
A car.
I dashed into the woods not knowing where to go. I was about to collapse but I couldn't. This wasn't a prank somebody was going to kidnap me. I didn't know what was happening. I hid behind a tree, slowing my breathing and heart rate like I learned to do in yoga, it finically payed off, mom told me so...again.
"Lexi we know you're there. We don't want to hurt you. Just come out it will be okay."
I heard the laughter after the person said the word okay.
"Lexi step out we only want to do some tests."
Oh god. Tests! I wasn't sick I was fine and I'm human for all I know. Wait how did they know my name. Have they been watching me? Oh god, have they seen me naked! Someone's going to pay for this. I walked out behind the tree, my hands up in surrender. I saw the evil smirk on the person, I'm guessing the leaders, face.
"That's my Lexi. Now come over here and give a big hug to your brother" wait my brother what the heck!
"I dont have a brother. I'm an only child." I said, trying to have confidence. My brother was killed when he was three in a car crash, pronounced dead at the hospital.

Did he really die?

Hehe.....he..*evil smirk*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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