Chapter 7: First Day of School (Beginning Of School Arc Part 6)

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Midoriya was sitting down in front of his home's front door getting ready when his mother handed him his backpack. "There's more than just action figures in here, right?" Midoriya's mother asked curiously.

"Yes mom" Midoriya said as he grabbed his backpack and stood up. "Alright sweety have fun on your first day of school" his mother yelled as he rushed out the door.


Midoriya ran through the hallway 'ok 40 students got into UA's hero course 36 by passing the entrance exam and 4 via recommendations' Midoriya thought to himself. 'And they split us into two classes, class 1A and 1B, I'm in class 1A' thought to himself as he walked up to a giant door with 1A written on it.

'Wow this door is huge, are they expecting giants or something?' Midoriya thought to himself in confusion.

Midoriya stared at the door 'ok Izuku just go in there but wait what if the people in there are mean' Midoriya thought to himself as images of Bakugou and that kid with mufflers coming out of his legs filled his head. 'No maybe everyone will be nice like that girl i met yesterday or Damian' Midoriya thought to himself as he pushed the door open.

Midoriya looked inside the classroom and saw Bakugou with his feet on his desk and locked in an argument with the kid with engines in his legs.

"Please get your feet off the desk, your scuffing school property" the student exclaimed but Bakugou clearly didn't care.

"Shove it Pointdexter" Bakugou said and leaned further back in his chair.

The student let out a sigh of annoyance "You know I think we got off on the wrong foot my name is Tenya Iida from Somei Private Academy" Iida said and held his hand out to greet his new classmate.

Bakugou looked down at Iida's hand and then back up at his face "Somei Private Academy, well that explains why you're such a pain, believe me I'm goanna enjoy breaking you down." Bakugou exclaimed and gave Iida a sadistic smile.

"You would threaten me, your fellow classmates, are you sure you're in the right place?" Iida asked, clearly surprised at the hot-headed Blond's behavior.

"Will the two of you shut it" a familiar voice exclaimed, causing both Bakugou and Iida to look over at Damian who was sitting at his desk.

"Uhg what do you want Extra" Bakugou exclaimed angrily "simple were going to be here for what 3-4 years we should at least try not to drive each other mad or else these years will go by at the speed of smell." Damian remarked and crossed his arms.

Bakugou wanted to snap back at Damian for disrespecting him like that.

However, before Bakugou could respond he noticed Midoriya standing in the doorway to their classroom and Iida quickly noticed Bakugou was looking at something behind him and turned around and saw Midoriya as well.

Quickly everyone in class looked over at him and Midoriya gulped nervously at the sudden attention.

"You are there." Iida exclaimed and began to march towards Midoriya at top speed which startled him.

"" Midoriya exclaimed as Iida stood directly in front of him. "What's your name?" Iida asked curiously, "Oh I'm Izuku Midoriya," Midoriya said.

"Midoriya...Yesterday you realized that there was more to the exam than just destroying those FO-Villains" Iida explained and bowed as a show of respect.

"You're clearly a far better student than me" Iida exclaimed while still bowing. "I highly doubt that" Midoriya muttered to himself nervously.

"Hey guys," a feminine said, causing Midoriya to turn around and Iida to stop bowing and look behind the green haired teen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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