A Way Out

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As the sun rose, its rays pierced through the palm leaves above them and hit Maria's face, causing her to stir

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As the sun rose, its rays pierced through the palm leaves above them and hit Maria's face, causing her to stir. She slowly unentangled herself from her partner's arms, trying not to disturb his peaceful sleep. Her head pounded from the wild night of drinking, and she silently cursed herself for indulging so much.

She tried to sit up, but her head throbbed with pain. She groaned and lay back down, feeling a wave of nausea wash over her. "Ugh, what did we do last night?" she muttered to herself. Slowly, the memories of dancing and singing around the fire came flooding back.

She turned to see Jack still sleeping beside her, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. She smiled at the sight and gently brushed a strand of hair away from his face. He stirred slightly but didn't wake up.

Maria carefully got up, trying not to disturb Jack's sleep. She stumbled as she tried to stand, feeling unsteady on her feet. "I will never drink that much again," she mumbled to herself as she made her way towards the shore.

The sun had risen high in the sky, casting its warm rays across the island. Maria walked along the shoreline, enjoying the feel of the sand between her toes and the cool water lapping at her feet. She noticed some small crabs scurrying across the sand.

Her thoughts and peaceful morning were interrupted by a loud growl coming from her stomach. Realizing how hungry she was, Maria started searching for something edible on the island.

The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the calm waters of the lake. She reached into her pocket and took out her father's knife, its sharp blade glinting in the sunlight. As she took her first step towards the water, gentle waves lapped at her feet, providing a soothing soundtrack to her day. Yet something felt off. The water was too still, too quiet. She looked up and saw dark clouds gathering on the horizon, threatening to ruin her peaceful day of fishing. "A storm is coming," she whispered to herself as she quickly stepped further into the water to catch a fish or two.

With a determined grip on her father's old knife, she lunged into the crystal blue waters. She could feel the cool currents tug at her legs as she swam deeper, scanning the ocean floor for any signs of movement. Finally, after several attempts, she caught a small fish with a quick flick of her wrist. A grin spread across her face as she remembered her father teaching her this technique when she was just a little girl. Just then, Jack appeared beside her, splashing and laughing as he chased after a school of fish. Together, they continued their hunt for the perfect catch in the warm, shallow waters.

As he looked up, his laughter dried on his lips and his heart skipped a beat. In the three days that they had been marooned on this spit of land, they hadn't seen a single boat or ship pass by. The vast expanse of blue ocean had been eerily empty, until now. A small boat was slowly making its way towards their little island, its sails billowing in the gentle breeze. The rhythmic sound of oars splashing in the water could be heard as it drew closer. It was like a glimmer of hope in their seemingly hopeless situation.

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