im scared every fuckin day

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The young girl froze even after Leah had moved away from the fans and was stood in front of the younger girl who seemed to be in some state of shock, Katie was stood next to her trying to get the girl to speak or even indicate what might of caused it.

Katie: "Kiddo, are you alright"

Leah: "Lex"

Lexie: "Le" she said after a while her breathing had clearing increased showing how panicked she was about the situation that only she knew of

Leah: "Hey it's okay, what's a matter" she said crouching down to the girl

Luckily they weren't in the middle of the pitch and were closer to the sub bench and exit so when tears fell from the younger girls face at a rapid rate Leah was able to get her inside and to the changing rooms in an attempt to get whatever was causing this out of the young girl.

Leah: "Lex it okay it's just me, just focus on me" she said trying to calm the girls breathing

Lexie: "I c-can-can't" she said as her breathing became rapid and staggered making it obvious she was having a panic attack

Leah: "It's okay lex, look at me okay, we are going to count to ten okay" she said trying to help the girl

Lexie: "Le-Leah he-help" she said through breaths

Leah: "Come here lex your okay" she said moving towards the young girl to wrap an arm around her but she was quickly avoided by the girl

Lexie: "No Tou-touching"

Leah: "Okay lex, no touching but we are going to count to ten, you can do that can't you" she said receiving a nod from the teen

Leah: "Count with me, one"

Lexie: "T-two"

Leah: "Nice job lex, three"

Lexie: "Four" she said calming down slightly

Leah: "Five" she said after sighing a sigh of relief that the girl seemed to be calming down

Lexie: "Le" she said after calming down from her panic attack

Leah: "Yes darling"

Lexie: "Here" she breathed out in between sobs

Leah: "Who's here lex"

Lexie: "Him, le he's here" she sobbed next to the older girl who she was avoiding all forms on physical contact with, the only physical contact her being reminded of was the one of her father and everyone knew it was nothing good

Leah quickly realised who she meant, the one person who would make lexie feel truly scared and vulnerable, her father.

Leah: "Katie can you go get my phone, it's with less and tell her to come as well as beth please" she said quickly to the defender who was also in the room having walked after the pair after Lexie had burst into tears

Katie: "Okay le" she said before going and doing what she said and quickly returning with everything

Alessia: "Are you alright le"

Beth: "Yeah what's up"

Leah: "Katie can you stay with Lexie for two seconds" she said her voice with a hint of emergency

Katie: "Of course"

Leah: "Lex i'm going to be two minute okay, i'll be back as soon as i can but your safe with Katie okay, it's just Katie and you no one else" she said to the young girl who was still crying as much as before

Katie: "Come here kiddo" she said taking leah's place next to the small girl who moved away when she offered a hand while leah walked outside the door with Alessia and Beth 

No one cared for her until she cameWhere stories live. Discover now