livin the y/n dream

15 0 4

A few days ago I got to hang out with my girlfriend so basically we went to this art festival her mom her dad and her brother were also there so yeah we walked around for a while we went up this alleyway I've never been to the city that this was in before so that was my first time in that City  she kept trying to eat her water bottle plastic is not edible don't eat plastic so yeah that happened and oh my God we held hands so that happened some lady was giving out popsicles so we got free popsicles it melted really fast so then we stopped by at a car wash I have not been to a car wash in years it was really colorful there were colorful lights it was really cool so then we went to this restaurant I don't know what it was called but they had American food and we played Akinator I was trying to get cavetown but it said lemon demon yeah so that happened I got a burger and so did she so we went back to her house and we swinged on the swungs so then she tried to teach me how to ride a bike and I failed like every time I tried to learn how to ride a bike I know I know I can't ride a bike it's embarrassing so I rode the scooter and we were riding to this church and on the way there the scooter was so hard to ride I thought I could ride a scooter cuz I did it when I was younger but my ankles were hurting like hell so it took a while to get there because of my ankles being broken not actually broken metaphorically so we got to the church and oh my God this was my y/n moment so we sat in the grass near the parking lot and we listened to cavetown and played Red Ball 4 then we went back to her house and drink pink lemonade and watched those cringey old 3:00 a.m. videos and then I had to go home all I have to say Jesus Christ I fucking love her

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