Chapter 1

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The sun was setting as you nervously adjusted your new Day Class uniform, standing before the imposing gates of Cross Academy. Your heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This prestigious school was to be your home for the foreseeable future, and you couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited you."Ah, you must be Y/N L/N!" a cheerful voice called out. You turned to see a man with long light brown hair tied back in a ponytail, wearing a green shawl and glasses, approaching you with a warm smile. 

"Welcome to Cross Academy! I'm Headmaster Kaien Cross." You bowed respectfully. "Thank you for accepting me, Headmaster Cross. I'm honored to be here."

"Oh, no need for such formality!" he waved his hands enthusiastically. "We're practically family now! Come, let me show you to your dorm."

As you walked across the campus, Headmaster Cross chatted animatedly about the school's history and principles. You tried to pay attention, but your eyes kept wandering to the beautiful gothic architecture and lush grounds. Suddenly, a commotion caught your attention. A large group of Day Class students, mostly girls, were gathered near another set of gates, squealing and pushing against each other.

"Oh my," Headmaster Cross sighed. "I was hoping we'd avoid this. It seems we've arrived just in time for the class changeover."

"Class changeover?" you asked, confused.Before he could answer, two figures emerged from the crowd. A petite girl with short brown hair and a tall, silver-haired boy were struggling to hold back the excited students."Everyone, please step back!" the girl shouted. "It's past curfew for Day Class students!""Yuuki! Zero!" Headmaster Cross called out. "Could you come here for a moment?"The two made their way over, looking slightly frazzled."Y/N, these are the school guardians, Yuuki Cross and Zero Kiryuu. Yuuki, Zero, this is our new student, Y/N L/N."

Yuuki's face lit up. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N! Welcome to Cross Academy!"

Zero merely nodded, his lavender eyes briefly meeting yours before looking away.A hush fell over the crowd as the gates creaked open. Your breath caught in your throat as you saw the Night Class students emerge. They were all strikingly beautiful, moving with an otherworldly grace that seemed almost impossible. But one student, in particular, caught your eye. A girl with orange hair tied in pigtails, her blue eyes seeming to glow in the fading sunlight. She walked alongside a mahogany-haired boy, both of them exuding an aura of quiet confidence.

"Who is that?" you whispered, unable to tear your gaze away.

Yuuki followed your line of sight. "Oh, that's Rima Toya and Senri Shiki. They're both models outside of school.""They're so beautiful," you murmured, watching as Rima gracefully made her way past the squealing fans.

For a brief moment, Rima's eyes met yours. You felt a jolt of electricity run through you, your cheeks heating up as you quickly looked away.

Zero's voice cut through your daze. "Don't get any ideas. The Night Class students are off-limits to Day Class students."You blinked, surprised by the harshness in his tone. "I-I wasn't—""Zero's right, Y/N," Yuuki said gently. "It's important to maintain separation between the Day and Night classes. It's one of the school's most important rules."Headmaster Cross nodded. "Indeed. Now, let's get you settled in your dorm, Y/N. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow!"

As you followed the Headmaster, you couldn't help but glance back one last time. To your surprise, you caught Rima looking in your direction, a flicker of curiosity in her blue eyes before she turned away.

Later that night, as you unpacked in your new room, your roommate, a friendly girl named Sayori Wakaba, helped you get organized."So, what do you think of Cross Academy so far?" Sayori asked, helping you hang up your clothes.You smiled, thinking back to the events of the evening. "It's... not quite what I expected. But in a good way, I think."Sayori chuckled. "Wait until you've been here a while. Trust me, it only gets more interesting."

As you drifted off to sleep that night, your dreams were filled with visions of piercing blue eyes and orange pigtails. A week into your stay at Cross Academy, you found yourself still adjusting to the rigorous schedule and unique atmosphere. The Day Class was bustling with activity, but your mind often drifted to thoughts of the enigmatic Night Class, particularly a certain orange-haired vampire.

On a quiet Saturday afternoon, you decided to explore the expansive campus grounds. The academy was vast, with numerous secluded areas you hadn't yet discovered. As you wandered past a cluster of trees, the sound of a camera shutter caught your attention.Curiosity piqued, you carefully approached, pushing aside a low-hanging branch. Your eyes widened as you saw Rima Toya and Senri Shiki in the middle of a photoshoot.

Rima stood gracefully in a gothic-inspired dress, her orange hair tied in her signature pigtails. 

Senri was beside her in a matching outfit, both of them exuding an aura of bored indifference. A photographer circled them, calling out directions.

"Rima, tilt your head slightly. Senri, move closer. Perfect!"You were so entranced that you didn't notice your foot catching on a root until it was too late. With a yelp, you tumbled forward, crashing through the underbrush and into the clearing.All eyes turned to you as you scrambled to your feet, face burning with embarrassment."I-I'm so sorry!" you stuttered, brushing leaves from your uniform. "I didn't mean to interrupt."The photographer frowned, lowering his camera. "This area is off-limits during shoots. How did you get past security?"

Rima's cool voice cut through the tension. "It doesn't matter. We're done for today."

Senri nodded in agreement, his expression unchanging. "Yeah, we've been at this for hours."The photographer looked like he wanted to argue but sighed instead. "Fine. We'll continue tomorrow."As the crew began packing up, you turned to leave, but Rima's voice stopped you."You're the new student," she stated flatly.You nodded, heart racing. "Yes, I'm Y/N. I'm really sorry for interrupting your shoot."Rima shrugged, her face impassive. "It was boring anyway."Senri approached, studying you with mild curiosity. "You're not screaming or trying to take our pictures. That's new."You blinked, surprised by his bluntness. "Should I be?"A tiny smirk tugged at Rima's lips. "Most Day Class students would.""Oh," you replied, unsure how to respond. "I guess I just... respect your privacy?"Senri raised an eyebrow. "Interesting."

Before the conversation could continue, a stern voice called out. "What's going on here?"

You turned to see Zero Kiryu approaching, his lavender eyes narrowed suspiciously."Zero!" you exclaimed, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. "I got lost and accidentally stumbled upon their photoshoot. It was my fault."Zero's gaze shifted between you and the two vampires. "This area is off-limits to Day Class students. You need to leave. Now."Rima's expression didn't change, but there was a hint of challenge in her voice. "We were just talking, Kiryu. No need to be so aggressive.""Yeah," Senri added, his tone bored but with an underlying edge. "We don't need a babysitter."The tension in the air was palpable. You could sense there was more to this confrontation than just enforcing school rules."It's okay," you said quickly, trying to defuse the situation. "I'll go. Thank you for being understanding about the interruption, Rima, Senri."As you turned to leave with Zero, Rima spoke once more. "Be more careful where you wander, Y/N. Not all parts of this academy are safe."

There was a weight to her words that sent a shiver down your spine. Zero's jaw tightened, but he said nothing as he escorted you back to the main campus.

"You shouldn't get involved with the Night Class," Zero said gruffly once you were out of earshot. "It's dangerous."You wanted to ask why, to understand the underlying tension, but something in Zero's expression stopped you. Instead, you nodded. "I'll be more careful."As you walked back to your dorm, your mind raced with questions.

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