Chapter 4

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The days following your decision to accept Kaname's offer were a whirlwind of activity. You and Yori underwent intensive training with Yuki and Zero, learning the intricacies of keeping the vampire world secret while mediating between the Day and Night classes.One evening, as you patrolled the grounds with Zero, you couldn't help but notice his lingering suspicion towards you.

"Zero," you began hesitantly, "I know you're not happy about Yori and me joining the Disciplinary Committee."

He scoffed, his lavender eyes narrowing. "It's not about happiness. It's about safety. You have no idea what you're getting into.""Then help us understand," you pleaded. "We want to make this work, to help maintain peace between vampires and humans."

Zero stopped walking, turning to face you fully. "Peace? There can never be true peace between our kinds. Vampires are beasts in human form, driven by bloodlust. Even the so-called 'noble' ones."

His words stung, especially as you thought of Rima. "That's not fair. They're not all like that.""You're naive," Zero said, his voice hard. "And your... feelings for Toya are clouding your judgment."You felt your cheeks heat up. "I don't know what you're talking about."Zero's expression softened slightly. "Just... be careful. Don't let your guard down."As if on cue, a scream pierced the night air. You and Zero exchanged a quick glance before sprinting towards the sound.

You arrived at a clearing to find a terrifying scene. A group of Day Class girls, who had snuck out to catch a glimpse of the Night Class, were surrounded by what appeared to be Level E vampires. Among the chaos, you spotted Rima and Senri, already engaged in combat.

Zero's Bloody Rose was out in an instant, firing at the nearest Level E. "Get the girls out of here!" he shouted to you.Pushing aside your fear, you rushed to the frightened students. "This way! Quickly!"As you guided the girls to safety, you couldn't help but watch Rima fight. Her movements were graceful yet lethal, lightning arcing from her fingertips to strike down her opponents. Senri's blood whip sliced through the air, working in perfect tandem with Rima's attacks.Suddenly, a Level E broke through their defenses, lunging straight for you. Time seemed to slow as you saw its razor-sharp fangs descending."Y/N!" Rima's voice cut through your panic.

In a flash, she was there, intercepting the vampire with a powerful bolt of lightning. The Level E shrieked, its body convulsing before crumbling to dust.

Rima turned to you, her usual impassive expression replaced by one of intense concern. "Are you hurt?"You shook your head, heart racing. "No, I'm fine. Thank you."Her eyes searched yours for a moment longer before she nodded, turning back to the fight. You couldn't help but notice how the normally stoic Rima seemed shaken by your near miss.

The battle raged on, with Zero, Rima, and Senri slowly gaining the upper hand. Just as it seemed the threat was contained, a chilling laugh echoed through the clearing.

"My....... what a delightful little skirmish," a silky voice purred. A figure emerged from the shadows – a vampire, but unlike any you'd seen before. His presence radiated power and malevolence. Rima and Senri immediately tensed, moving to stand protectively in front of you. Even Zero looked unnerved."Rido-sama," Senri muttered, his usually bored tone tinged with fear.

The vampire – Rido – smiled, revealing elongated fangs. "Hello, my dear son. And Rima, always a pleasure. Oh, and what's this? A human who smells... intriguing."

His eyes locked onto you, and you felt a chill run down your spine. Rima shifted, blocking you from his view."This doesn't concern you, Rido-sama," she said, her voice cold. "These Level Es have been dealt with."Rido chuckled. "Oh, but I think it does concern me. After all, I can't have my dear nephew precious coexistence experiment ruined by a few rogue vampires, can I?"Zero raised his Bloody Rose. "Leave. Now.""So hostile," Rido tutted. "I'm merely here to help. Although..." his gaze drifted back to you, "I wouldn't mind a little taste of that delectable human as payment."

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