Chapter 5

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The days following Rido's attack were filled with increased patrols and tense strategy meetings. Despite the danger, or perhaps because of it, you found your feelings for Rima growing stronger. One evening, unable to contain your emotions any longer, you asked Rima to meet you at the fountain.

As you waited, your heart pounding, Rima appeared, her face as impassive as ever. "You wanted to see me?"

You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "Rima, I... I need to tell you something. These past few weeks, getting to know you, fighting alongside you... I've realized that I have feelings for you. Strong feelings."

Rima's expression didn't change, but you noticed her eyes widen slightly. "Y/N... you know this is dangerous. I'm a vampire, you're human. It can't work."

"I don't care," you said, stepping closer. "I know the risks, and I'm willing to take them. For you."For a moment, Rima's cool facade cracked. You saw a swirl of emotions in her eyes - longing, fear, and something that looked a lot like love. "You're a fool," she murmured, but there was no bite to her words.

Before you could respond, Rima closed the distance between you. Her lips met yours in a kiss that was both gentle and electrifying. You felt a literal spark pass between you, a manifestation of Rima's power reacting to her emotions.

As you broke apart, breathless, Rima's usual composure returned. But there was a softness in her eyes that hadn't been there before. "This won't be easy," she warned.You smiled, taking her hand. "Nothing worth having ever is."Your moment of bliss was short-lived. A cold voice cut through the night air. "Whats happening here?"

You turned to see Kaname Kuran standing a few feet away, his expression unreadable. Rima immediately stepped in front of you protectively.

"Kuran-sama," she acknowledged, her voice neutral.Kaname's eyes flickered between you and Rima. "I had my suspicions, but I didn't think you'd be so... reckless, Rima."You felt a surge of indignation. Before Rima could respond, you stepped forward. "It's not reckless. We care about each other. That's not a crime."Kaname's eyebrows raised slightly, surprise flashing across his face before his cool mask returned. "Brave words, Y/N. But do you truly understand the consequences of what you're proposing? The dangers?""I do," you said firmly, meeting his gaze. "I've seen the vampire world - the good and the bad. I know the risks, and I'm willing to face them. With Rima."A tense silence followed your declaration. Then, to your surprise, Kaname's lips curved into a small smile. "Impressive. Your courage is admirable, Y/N."

He turned to Rima. "I will allow this... relationship to continue. On certain conditions."

Rima nodded, her face impassive but her hand tightening around yours. "Name them.""First, this must not interfere with your duties to the Night Class or the protection of the Academy. Second, Y/N must continue her training - she needs to be able to defend herself. And third..." his gaze sharpened, "if you ever lose control, Rima, if you ever put Y/N in danger, I will not hesitate to intervene. Understood?""Understood," Rima agreed.

As Kaname left, you let out a breath you didn't realize you'd been holding. Rima turned to you, a rare look of concern on her face. "Are you sure about this? It won't be easy."

You smiled, reaching up to cup her cheek. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."The weeks that followed were a whirlwind of stolen moments and secret meetings. Your relationship with Rima deepened, but with it came new challenges. You noticed Rima becoming increasingly tense during your time together, her eyes often straying to your neck.One night, as you sat together in a secluded corner of the academy grounds, Rima abruptly pulled away from your embrace."Rima?" you questioned, concerned. "What's wrong?"

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