Chapter 3

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Days after your late-night conversation with Rima, you found yourself distracted during classes, your mind constantly wandering to the world of vampires hidden in plain sight. As you left your last class of the day, lost in thought, you nearly collided with Yuki.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Y/N," Yuki apologized, steadying you. "Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it lately."

You forced a smile. "I'm fine, just tired. How are you, Yuki?"Before she could answer, Yori joined you both. "Y/N, there you are. I was wondering if you'd like to join us for a study session in the library?"The idea of being around others and potentially distracting yourself from your vampire-filled thoughts was appealing. "Sure, that sounds great."

As you settled into the library, you noticed a group of Night Class students enter. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Rima among them, accompanied by Senri, Hanabusa Aido, and Ruka Souen.

Yuki tensed slightly. "That's odd. The Night Class doesn't usually come to the main library."You watched as Aido approached your table, his trademark charming smile in place. "Good evening, ladies. Mind if we join you? The Night Class library is being renovated."Before Yuki could protest, Yori nodded. "Of course, Idol... I mean, Aido-senpai."As the vampires settled around your table, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Rima sat directly across from you, her face impassive as always."So, what are we studying?" Aido asked, leaning over to peek at your textbook."Ancient history," Yori replied, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Ruka scoffed lightly. "How quaint. I suppose some of us lived through those 'ancient' times."

You blinked, surprised by her candid comment. Senri nudged her, his expression bored. "Careful, Ruka. You're showing your age."As the vampires bantered, you found yourself relaxing slightly. They seemed so... normal, despite what you now knew about them.Suddenly, the lights flickered, then went out completely. Panic rippled through the library as students murmured in confusion."Everyone stay calm," Yuki's voice rang out. "It's probably just a power outage."

In the darkness, you felt a cool hand grasp yours. Rima's voice whispered near your ear, "Something's not right. Stay close."

Your heart raced at her proximity, but before you could respond, a chilling laugh echoed through the room."Well, well," a silky voice purred. "What a delightful selection of snacks we have here."The Night Class students tensed, forming a protective circle around you, Yuki, and Yori. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you saw a figure standing atop a nearby bookshelf, his eyes glowing an eerie red."A rogue vampire," Aido hissed, ice crystals forming around his hands.The vampire leapt down, moving with inhuman speed. "Come now, don't be so hostile. I'm just here for a little... refreshment."

Ruka stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. "You dare trespass on Cross Academy grounds? You'll regret this, fool."

The rogue vampire laughed again. "Oh, I think not. You see, I brought some friends."As if on cue, more red eyes appeared in the darkness. Level Es, you realized with horror.What happened next was a blur of motion and power. Aido sent shards of ice flying, impaling two Level Es. Ruka's eyes glowed as she seemed to ensnare another with some kind of mental ability, causing it to attack its allies.Rima and Senri worked in tandem, her lightning and his blood whip cutting through the air with lethal precision. You watched in awe as they moved, their normally bored expressions replaced with intense focus.

Yuki had produced her Artemis rod, standing protectively in front of Yori. "Y/N, stay back!" she shouted, fending off a Level E that got too close.

The rogue vampire, seeing his minions falling, snarled in frustration. He lunged towards your group, clearly aiming for the humans he saw as easy prey.Time seemed to slow as you saw him approaching. Without thinking, you grabbed a heavy textbook and swung it with all your might. It connected with the vampire's face, momentarily stunning him.

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