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The black SUV hummed down the deserted highway, the city lights fading into the rearview mirror as they approached the outskirts. Roman sat in the front passenger seat, eyes scanning the road ahead with a practiced vigilance. The Usos flanked Solo in the back, while Paul gripped the wheel with a steady hand, driving with an air of calm professionalism.

The atmosphere inside the car was deceptively relaxed. Jimmy had his feet propped up on the back of Roman's seat, bobbing his head to the music playing from the car's speakers. "Man, this playlist is fire," he said, grinning. "You got good taste, Uce."

Roman chuckled, glancing back at him. "Gotta keep it fresh, keep the vibes right. Especially before we handle business."

Jey leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. "Ain't nothin' like a little old-school hip-hop to get us in the zone, right?"

"Exactly," Roman agreed, turning the volume up a notch. The bass thumped through the speakers, filling the car with a rhythm that was both energising and soothing.

Behind them, another black SUV followed closely, carrying more of their men... including Sami.

Jey noticed the vehicle in the side mirror and frowned, his brow furrowing. "Yo, why's Sami coming along for the drop?"

Roman sighed, his eyes still firmly on the road. "Sami's earned his spot. He's proven himself. We need all hands on deck for this one."

"Yeah, but you trust him with something this big?" Jey's scepticism was clear, his tone laced with doubt.

"Sami's good," Solo interjected, his voice calm but firm. "He's loyal. And we need him."

Jimmy shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "Gotta give the guy a chance, Jey. He's been solid so far."

Jey muttered something under his breath, clearly still unconvinced, but he let it go. They all knew how important this drop was. It wasn't just another routine job; it was a pivotal moment for their operations.

The SUV turned onto a narrow, dimly lit road, leading them further away from civilisation and deeper into the industrial wasteland that surrounded the city. Abandoned warehouses and derelict factories loomed in the darkness, their broken windows and crumbling facades casting eerie shadows.

Paul glanced at Roman. "We're almost there. You ready?"

Roman nodded, hardening his expression. "Always."

They pulled up to the warehouse, its hulking structure partially obscured by the encroaching darkness. The second SUV rolled to a stop behind them, and their men disembarked, forming a tight, disciplined group. Sami stepped forward, his eyes scanning the surroundings cautiously.

Roman exited the vehicle first, followed by the rest of the crew. The cold night air bit at their skin, but they paid it no mind. This was their territory, their domain. They moved with a confidence born of countless successful operations, their presence imposing and unmistakable.

The warehouse loomed ahead, its large metal doors slightly ajar. A faint light flickered from within, casting long, wavering shadows on the ground. Roman took point, leading the way inside. The interior was vast and cavernous, the air thick with the scent of rust and decay. Stacks of old crates and machinery were scattered haphazardly, creating a maze of obstacles.

"Stay sharp," Roman muttered lowly.

Inside, the echoes of their footsteps bounced off the walls, adding to the ominous atmosphere. Roman's crew fanned out, each member taking up a strategic position. Jimmy and Jey moved with precise synchronicity, scanning every shadow, every dark corner.

𝑻𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑩𝒊𝒏𝒅 ~ 𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒔Where stories live. Discover now