The Journey (2)

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Percy had wanted to call his mom or even visit her.
But he didn't want to worry her. He didn't want her to hate the gods even more for doing this to him.
She had more than enough on her plate as it was, and besides-
As long as she thought he was safe and happy after defeating Gaea, this little quest could just be swept under the rug.

As Jason turned the car left, Percy had to admire his driving skills. He was going as fast as legally possible, yet he seemed to be putting in no effort.

Percy pulled out the map and peered at it. He might have been dyslexic, but this was a map from the god of travellers and messengers. He could read it easily enough.

"So... we're stopping at Indianapolis for gas, then continuing to Texas. It should take us a day and some hours".

"I mean, if you just went faster-" Will was about to volunteer but Nico stopped him mid sentence.

"Will, we are a bunch of teens, with three out of four of us dressed like failed Greek actors and driving a car we look like we couldn't afford in our wildest dreams. You really think we can afford to speed and have cops coming at us from all directions?"
Will shrugged and grinned.

"Usually when I take our old car for a spin I don't really pay attention to the speed limit".

"This is why you're not driving Solace", Nico said with an amused tone in his voice.

While the two of them playfully bantered, Percy turned to look at Jason. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Jason. You good?"
"Look at the road", he muttered.

Percy looked out of his window and at the road below. His eyes widened.
There were patches of ice all over and above little flecks of snow were descending.

"It's.. it's-"
"Exactly", Jason said, already knowing what he wanted to say.

Nico noticed Percy's discomfort.
"What's wrong?"
"It's winter. Somehow", Percy answered.

Disbelievingly, Nico looked out of the window.
His face went grim.

"It's happening again. With the goddess of spring gone, kidnapped, only winter can prevail".
"But the prophecy said-"
"We have two weeks before Demeter unleashes her fury, yes but Demeter can only keep food growing and people from dying.
Without Persephone, there can't be spring. It's not possible".


From the mirror Nico could see Jason's tense face.
This wasn't going to be easy.
"Pardon me if this sounds stupid, but won't Khione be stronger if there's winter?" Will asked.

"He's right", Nico realized with sickening clarity. "Even if she's on punishment, winter is Khione's domain. She'll have to be freed, to regulate it, if nothing else".

"Could she be the one causing this? To break out maybe?" Jason suggested.

"There's only on way to be sure. If Texas is being whipped with blizzards and ice storms, we'll have our answer".

Percy sighed.

This quest wasn't looking good already.

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