Chapter 5 Part 5 'Fit of stress'

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(This part has mentions of abuse and suicide later on)

Blue woke up to his phone buzzing, he groaned and looked confused as he turned on his side to look at his phone on his desk. "What.. the fuck.." His voice was groggy from being woken up. This wasn't an alarm, it was a call, a call from Green. A call he answered with a groggy voice, it was 3 in the morning and he was exhausted, not wanting to talk to his sis- Green right now. "Yes?" Blue held the phone to his ear.

"You noticed how Orchid wasn't at school yesterday?" Green's voice sounded excited for once, an excitement that meant she was breathing in the smell of death or had done something bad. The sound of rushing cars and wind was coming through the phone, Green was outside.

Blue stared up at his dark ceiling, blinking a few times and running a hand down his face, his brain was barely awake. "Uh huh.." That was all he could answer in his tired state before Green continued. "Well, I couldn't sleep last night after everything you said about your stress. So I did some digging last night and found out Orchid- Killed herself." Blue's eyes widened slightly, he looked even more confused suddenly. "Did- She not call the police?" Who doesn't mention their killer before they kill themselves?

Green laughed through the phone, a pop of a car door opening, and then all the sounds of cars and rushing wind stopped. "Clearly not because you're not in cuffs right now.. Dumbass." Blue didn't even really register anything Green said, he was to stuck and confused on Orchid's death. "She just killed herself..? Gave up-?" Blue sounded like he didn't believe Green almost.

Green laughed, "Yeah! And I think her parents are moving! Isn't that great!" Blue blinked slowly at Green's words, his eyes were so heavy. "Huhh.. Yeah- Great, great- And your telling me this now why?" Blue sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

"Blue! Orchid's not a problem anymore! Less stress! She's gone!" Green sounded happily confused now at Blue's less enthusiastic attitude than hers. "I went into their house earlier today and made sure she didn't leave anything.. Couldn't get her phone though sadly, I know you keep those as trophies and I..-" Her voice began to fade out as Blue slowly fell back on the bed and blinked a few times. "Yeah.."

"Yeah! Fuck, I even just finished talking to them!" Green spoke happily, it was so early in the morning, how did they answer the door at such an hour? Well- if one of his kids died, he'd be up for weeks so.. He'd suppose it was them being up late grieving.

Blue sounded annoyed now, what the fuck is she doing talking to them!? "What-? Why- Why would you do that!? How does this even concern me besides less stress..?" Blue closed his eyes, listening to Green's voice through the phone.

"Well, I came over and posed as one of her friends, I got to see her room and get rid of some shit. No need to thank me, I know you're just gushing to grovel and thank me. But anyway she had some stuff on you, including a diary. Just like Pink!" Green truly didn't care about the consequences, Blue couldn't tell if Green was smart or dumb. The fact she knew he broke into Pink's house and planted a diary, proved just how long and how closely she'd been watching him.

It almost made him.. Proud, brotherly, proud in his own sick way.

Blue only hummed in response, causing Green to go on. "I'm going to screw with it a bit, maybe spin some narrative, and then plant it back! Get her parents to go through it. Did you know Orchid took antidepressants and had therapy? I found pill bottles and even got some information from Orchid's scatterbrained mother! She just kept going on and on..! I learned a lot and I'd like to come over and maybe-.." Green's voice faded out fully as Blue fell into the sweet bliss of dreaming.

That and the bliss of not hearing Green's voice excitedly talking about manipulating some poor girl's parents. He- He didn't ever want either of them to die. He had remorse but was far too lost to ever truly care and act on those feelings, it seemed Green had known of that. No feelings at all on anything, he'd almost find it creepy if he didn't understand that empty disconnected feeling. Green is further ahead of him in that sense, able to act smartly and not on emotions.

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