04 | Donghyuck's big brain moment

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Lee Donghyuck just seems to demand attention everywhere he goes.

Even now, as Chaerin is trying to finish her lunch before having to rush back to the studio, her attention is unwillingly drawn to the boy when he steps into the cafeteria, and suddenly, she's not all that hungry anymore.

Her gaze follows him as he takes a seat at his usual table, eyes crinkling as he laughs at a joke Renjun had said. It's not like Chaerin wants to stare at him on purpose— no, she's just become increasingly wary of his presence ever since she gave him that cupcake.

She's known Donghyuck long enough to know that he's bound to get his revenge sooner or later, and she isn't about to take any chances.

Perhaps starting a prank war wasn't her wisest decision knowing just how vengeful he could get, but seeing the footage she made Mark film made it all worth it. Even though it was shaky because Mark was laughing too hard and barely anything could be made out apart from Donghyuck's retching, it was funny nonetheless.

Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear— the president sets his own tray on the table as he settles in the empty space next to Chaerin, muttering a small hey before digging in to his own food.

"You trying to bend metal, or something?" Mark remarks mindlessly with his mouth full, and it's only then does Chaerin realise the tight grip she has on her chopsticks.

"The things your roommate does to me. Unbelievable," she mutters as she loosens her grip, finishing her last portion of rice.

"What'd he do this time? He got back at you yet?"

"No, but that's the thing. I just know he has something planned and he's just purposely making me wait because he enjoys seeing me squirm. Bastard."

"You did bring it upon yourself..." Mark trails off, only to give Chaerin a meek smile when she shoots him a glare. He clears his throat. "For what it's worth, I haven't really seen him do anything suspicious lately, apart from preparing his own campaign materials. So you're safe, I think."

Chaerin scoffs. The day Lee Donghyuck backs down without a fight is the day pigs fly. He's just as competitive as her— if not more— and there's no chance in hell he'd be a good enough sport to let her cupcake prank slide.

"I'll see it when I believe it."

Chaerin sees it

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Chaerin sees it.

The same booth that was set up in the ampitheatre last week now stands in the hallway leading to the studios, pushed against the wall with a chair next to it instead of behind it (because it's against rules to obstruct school walkways).

The text on the board, this time, is different, though— definitely not as obnoxious as the first one. It's simpler, more straightforward: Pledge Your Support, Get A Free Pass!

Donghyuck stands by the booth, and Chaerin waits for him to finish talking to a student before she approaches him.

"Getting desperate now, are we?"

"No. I just care for my citizens. The citizens of Dongville, eh?" He grins widely.

Chaerin makes a face. "You have to realise how wrong that sounds."

Donghyuck ignores her, turning to the booth to pick up a token. "Care for one?"

She studies it warily. It's bigger than an average coin, some red, some yellow in colour (Chaerin wouldn't be surprised if he actually stole these from a box of Connect-4). Pasted on it is his face, with a smirk so big it takes up the entire surface of the token, while he's showing a thumbs-up.

"I don't need your stupid studio passes, Donghyuck. I know what you're getting at."

"And what exactly am I getting at, pray tell?" He bats his eyelashes. "As far as I'm concerned, what I'm doing is completely legal."

"Or completely stupid," Chaerin snorts. "You do realise that they can take your token and still vote for me, right?"

"Ah, that's where you're wrong, princess," Donghyuck tuts, the nickname causing her to scowl. "I'm not stupid. They'd only be able to exchange this token for a free pass after they've voted for me. See what happens when you use a 100% of your brain?"

"Okay, so you're just being misleading, then?"

Donghyuck waves a hand mindlessly. "Whatever. You're just jealous you didn't think of that first."

"Yeah. Super." She rolls her eyes.

While she wouldn't admit it out loud, perhaps Donghyuck's strategy is kind of smart. Booking a studio after school hours depends solely on pure luck, and if one isn't quick enough, they might not even be able to secure a room at all.

It's different for Donghyuck and his bandmates, though— with them being the only band in this school (because everyone else is already too busy with their own majors to be in one, but that doesn't seem to be the case for them), him and his members don't really have to fight for an available music room, having an unofficial-official one to themselves without having to make any bookings prior (and of course, Chaerin just had to have the misfortune of being right next to them).

Now that she thinks about it, if Donghyuck is going to give up his room for the other students, that would mean no longer having to deal with his presence, right? For whatever amount of days— or weeks, if she's lucky— she wouldn't have to storm out of her studio to give him a piece of her mind for being too loud, or deal with him coming over to interrupt her routine just for the mere sake of annoying her.

Chaerin smirks, turning back to Donghyuck who's already staring at her with raised brows.

"On second thought, I'll take this." She snatches the token from his fingers, to which he merely grins at.

"You just needed an excuse to keep my face in your pocket, didn't you?"

"Yes, so I can take it home and put it in the middle of the pentagram I already set up." Chaerin smiles sweetly as she pockets the token.

Donghyuck knows that she's joking (probably), but with how convincing she had sounded, there is a small part in him that fears she might as well be telling the truth.

He wouldn't put it past her, anyway. Donghyuck is fully convinced that Ko Chaerin had been a witch in her past life.

He chuckles dryly. "You're fucking bat-shit insane, Cherry. Like, actually."

"Don't act like you don't love it," she coos, bringing up a hand to pinch his cheek before stalking off.

He scoffs in disbelief as he stares at her retreating back. "So fucking annoying..." he mumbles as he rubs the spot she had pinched.

Despite his words, he's smiling.

Donghyuck has no idea why.

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