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The thunderstorm battered them for about two hours, though eventually it blew over and moved on to the mountains behind them. Almost as soon as they were out of its immediate shadow, the electricity flickering all over Kveykva and Jay faded. They were almost normal again, except both their eyes were still a little bright. The dragon's still visibly glowed, but for the Rider all that was apparent was a slightly lighter color.

It seemed that something about the storm had magnified the power, for all they could summon now were a few sparks from the mouth and fingers respectively. Still, Jay was awed that he could do it at all, finding that he could zap anyone he touched.
Which hurt.
Cole quickly learned to smack his sneaky hands away.

Lloyd however, was weirdly resistant to it, flinching every time he was shocked before grinning in excitement. Misako was as patient as ever, warning the two of them to conserve their energy.
That night after dinner, they all collapsed into their bedrolls without a spar from exhaustion.

The next morning they ended up drinking the last of their water, left distinctly uncomfortable without it.
"We are going the right way, right?" Jay asked, still more fidgety than usual. As it turned out, the new electricity powers were giving him truly the unbelievable bedhead.
"Yeah, we're screwed if we don't reach water soon." Cole added worryingly.

"Fear not, the lot of you. You'll be seeing Yazuac this evening." Misako reassured them while packing up the last of the camp.
"How can you even tell? Everything looks the same out here." Nya pointed out distrustfully.

The older woman merely pointed skyward. "You need to learn how to navigate by the sun and stars, dear. It's more reliable than looking for landmarks wherever you go. Besides, I've been this way before. No need to worry so needlessly about it."

That said, they started off. Jay was initially unwilling to part with Kveykva after the incident the day before, but eventually they were able to get going, dragons flying lower than before just to be close to their Riders.

And it was the dragons who could see the village at first as well, though it was not until around noon that those on the ground were able to as well. It took several more hours before they could make out the river just behind it as well.
"That's the Ninor there." Misako explained when asked

"Where should the dragons hide? It won't be long until they're visible to the village." Nya pointed out.
Misako nodded, pointing. "That bend in the river, see it? They can hide there while we get supplies in town. It's far enough that they won't be seen."

The dragons took the suggestion and flew around the village, their distant forms spiraling down where they had been asked to wait. Those on horseback started speeding up, eager for fresh food and water.

Soon enough the smoke from the chimneys was visible, wafting up lazily as the wind blew it to the side. Strangely enough, the streets were empty, a heavy silence draped over the place.
Without a word, they collectively stopped before passing the first house of the village. Something was wrong.

"It's quiet." Nya remarked, gripping the reins with pale knuckles.
"Do you hear anything, Lloyd?" Cole turned to the boy with the keenest ears. Nervous, Lloyd shook his head, ears flicking back. "I don't like this."
"There's not even dogs." Jay mumbled, one hand tapping on his leg restlessly. "Shouldn't we have been spotted by now? Where is everyone?"

"..They might be afraid." Misako suggested, eyes narrowed.
"What if it's a trap?" Nya questioned.
"We need water and supplies." Misako pointed out.
"We can use the river."
The younger woman hesitated, still uneasy.
"..Do we go in?" Jay practically whispered.

"Yes, but not foolishly." Misako urged her horse to the side, pulling out her real shortsword and resting the blade against the saddle. Cole got out his spear, the bladed hammer left behind with Stenskul. Nya pulled out her bow while Jay gripped a spare dagger. Lloyd shifted in his saddle, only having one of the fancy katana underneath his cloak.

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