Chapter Twenty-Six

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Confessing your feelings on the beach was romantic in theory, but not when your friends had to ruin your first kiss. The sound of whooping from Max and Reggie burst the bubble that had formed around them. A soft giggle escaped Georgie's lips when she pulled away from Luke's, however, his arms were wrapped around her and there was no way he was letting her go.

His eyes did not want to leave her face, but they did. Only so that he could glare at Reggie and Max, who were dosey-doing in a circle. It was only slightly amusing, however, he could forgive them.

After all, he had a girlfriend and well... He had a girlfriend. Their first kiss may have been ruined but there was always a chance for a do-over, and boy, he was going to make sure he got one. Georgie shook her head at her friend, peering over her shoulder at the two.

"Please be my girlfriend!" Reggie mimicked Luke, kneeling down in front of Max, his arms out as he peered up at her.

"Finally!" Max mimicked Georgie, falling into Reggie's outstretched arms and hugging him.

"Ha. Ha. Ha," Luke rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop grinning. He didn't find it funny that they were mocking them, but it was all lighthearted. Reggie knew how badly he wanted to ask Georgie out and he assumed Max also knew.

"I would like to make it known that I am the reason this beautiful relationship is now a thing," Reggie stated, standing up with Max still clinging to his arm. "I shall accept thanks in the form of food and or drinks."

Luke let out a not so nice scoff, shaking his head. If anyone was to thank for their beautiful relationship, it was her parents for sending her to LA in the first place. Mr. Baxter may not have liked him, however, he was going to put his best foot forward. As for her mom, Luke wasn't sure if he'd get the chance to meet her. Of all the things she'd told him about her mom, she'd neglected to tell him if she was ever going visit her. Whenever her mom was brought up, though, it seemed to put Georgie into a downer and he hated seeing her like that.

"Hey, I deserve a little of that thanks," Max interjected. "I coached her through many late night conversations with him." The guilty look on Georgie's face made Luke laugh. "I will accept my thanks in the form of a cute guy's number."

Georgie rolled her eyes as she laughed at them. She'd been awfully quiet. Luke prodded her side gently, making her yelp softly and swat his arm. "Sorry, I was making sure you hadn't lost your voice," he said with a grin.

"Just...wanted..." Luke may not have known Georgie as long as he would have liked, however, since he'd met, he wasn't sure if she'd ever been at a loss of words in front of him. Sure she'd been quiet, but that wasn't the same as not having something to say. She either had a witty comeback for some stupid thing one of the guys said or she had a funny but nonsensical Southern colloquialism to fire at them. Words came to her as easy music came to him. But now, she was mumbling, her words unclear, almost like she didn't know what to say.

"Are they embarrassing you?" he asked, lowering his voice to a whisper, leaning closer to her and being greeted with the amazing scent of whatever perfume or shower projects she used. She didn't just smell good, she smelled...delicious.

"No," she shook her head, her hands absentmindedly tapping on his biceps as she shrunk a little closer to him. "A little...I didn't want her to mention the whole coaching thing." She let out a small embarrassed laugh, Luke being unable to stop himself from laughing at her.

"Just ignore them. Besides, Max is better at imparting wisdom than Reggie," he confessed, his hand pressing gently against her back, nudging her closer to hug her.

"Hey!" Reggie shouted, insulted by his clear disrespect. "It was my plan that got you two together."

"No, it wasn't," Luke shook his head as Georgie rested her head against his chest. "His plan failed," he whispered to her, unable to keep himself from bending down to kiss her forehead. Just as his lips grazed the warm skin above her eyebrows, someone wolf whistled and grabbed his attention.

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