Chapter 6: "Closed Doors"

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When Detective Johnson came close to a final answer to the mystery of the discovery of Ari's murder, but unexpectedly encountered a locked door that stood in his way. He decided to call for backup and also called Kiria. When they were all in place they agreed together to open it. Unfortunately, it wasn't that simple. It turned out that that unknown room was secured by several pairs of doors and they couldn't even see what was behind them. After opening a few, they encountered a steel door for which they needed a key, which of course they didn't have. However, they noticed a riddle on the door that was supposed to indicate where the key lay. It was as if the murderer knew they would want to open the door. Kiria began reading the contents of the riddle:
- Kiria: "What has many keys, but doesn't open any doors?"
They thought for a very long time because they couldn't answer the riddle. The detective was good at everything but riddles. He thought if the murderer wasn't watching them all the time because how would he know I was having trouble with riddles.... At the same time that Johnson was puzzling it was someone from the detective's group of employees who shouted an answer:
- Employee: Piano! This is the Piano!
All was well until they realized that there was no musical instrument on the first floor, or none at all. However, Kiria remembered that Aria had a piano at home so she asked Johnson to wait here while she ran to her house. The detective nodded only told her to hurry.When she arrived at her friend's house what she saw stunned her.
She saw her mother hanging upside down. However, she couldn't do anything now because she had the task of looking for the key in the piano. After a long time, Kiria ran to the detective but could not utter a word. She gave the key to Johnson and when they were about to open the door they heard a shout.... Will they be able to discover what these mysterious obstacles hide and what lies behind them?

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