his friend | xiao x gn!adeptus!reader

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"It sure has been awhile hasn't it!"

Xiao was always at a loss for words when Y/n would unexpectedly pop up out of nowhere. Though, the visits were never unwelcome ... well, even though Xiao made it seem like they were.

"Oh .. you again," he turned sharply. His arms crossed over his chest as he looked out from the balcony. He (desperately) hoped that the sun's rays were enough to hide the blush on his cheeks.

Like I said, when Y/n came around to see him, he was ... always put of his element. He wasn't sure if it was attraction .. or, or something more he felt towards the taller adeptus.

Throwing an arm around his shoulder, y/n grinned down at the vigilant yaksha, "come on, don't turn away from me. It's been .. what? A hundred years since we last saw each other?"

"A hundred years too soon, in my opinion."

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that."

Y/n kept poking at him with a smile on their face. A teasing grin no less. But Xiao refused to look at them. He didn't want to be reminded of a single most fact that he had been avoiding for a long while now.

"Whatever, where have you been anyway?"

"In the chasm. Trust me, Xiao. That place is a fucking nightmare."

Y/n finally let go of him as they went to stand beside him. Their arms crossing over their chest as well.

"I thought I would never escape, but .. one could say I got lucky."

Xiao finally gave them a side glance. His heart seeming to skip a beat every passing second.

"The chasm ... yes, you're lucky to have made it out."

"Yeah, but you would have come rescued me if I didn't come back after a few more years, right?"

They grinned as they nudged him a bit.

Xiao looked away once again, "if you truly needed saving, then yes. I would go."

"Knew it! That's what friends are for!"

Right, friends.

That was the fact Xiao wanted to avoid.

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