Money power glory

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I make the portal go away then I recognise this as the place where the invisible force field is into the magical town. I walk through the barrier and step into a thriving town. Today the market is on so I head to the fruit and vegetable stall (the biggest stall in the market apart from the magic throwing stars and other magic weapons). I take some apples, cucumbers, pears, celery and broccoli then head to my old house. I open the door and slump into the lounge to find a note on the bench.

Meet me by the lake,

Be prepared,

Don't run!

From -------

"Can I be confused now?" I ask myself.

I run to the cloak store and buy an invisibility cloak.

"Will this hide red magic?" I ask the old man

"No." he whispers,

"But..." He adds, "It will be worth it."

I head to a map of the town and a little bit of the surrounding area. A blue splotch close to the town hall indicates that there is a lake nearby.

I put the cloak over myself and I notice my body parts disappearing. I fly over to the lake noticing my red magic. I see someone wearing a black cloak levitating over a big stone. Whoever they are looks like they are meditating. They stand up and look up. I noticed that they used the face blurring spell so unfortunately I can't see who they are but I see two blue smudges where eyes would be.

"Hello Sarah. I can tell you're there because of your impressive magic." The person who I'm calling blur tells me.

I take my cloak off and tuck it into my handbag. It shrinks to that size and I dont notice because it doesn't seem that unusual.

"What do you want?" I ask stronger than I feel.

"To help you." Blur tells me,

"What do you mean?"

"Would it help if I take away my spell."


Blur waves his/her hand and green magic comes out and then infibia comes into focus.

"bia!" I yell running into her open arms.

She wraps her arms around me and kisses my head.

I pull away then ask, "What are you doing here?"

"I heard what happened at the castle. I came here. I don't know why, but I saw you at the market so I went into the house and wrote the note."

"Come on, I need to show you something." Isabella uses green magic to lift herself off the ground.

'Your like me,' i exclaime in awe, she nods then tells me to follow her.

I follow her out over the dense forest bushes where she lowers herself into a tree house. I land in and watch infibia get a folder with the black horse. She opens it and flicks through the pages looking for something. She stops at a page full of strange writing and scans down it. She stops at an image of the black horse but it has a language written around.

"Where did you get that?" I ask.

"From when I lived with your mother and we tried to infiltrate the black horse

"Oh." i say wondering what it would be like to live with an evil murderous family.

"This," she says indicating to the writing, "is a code language we used, they still use it though,"

"Can you read it?" i ask curiously

"I'll try to remember." she lifts up her hand and traces her fingers above the words then she closes her eyes, muttering a few words.

A hologram of a circle with a dot in the middle then a line vertically down it.

"What is that?"

"The symbol of project Eris." infibia answers looking uncomfortable, "I helped with project Eris."

She stands up and walks into her room which must be very small because we are in a tree house. She leaves the folder on the ground and I notice the edge of a photo pointed out. Curious , I lifted the folder up and turned the page. Two photos fall out, one of them lands upside down. I pick the other one up. I almost drop it of shock, young infibia stands there in a school uniform. Angelas arm hooked over her shoulder, both of them smiling happily. Angela looks like a proud older friend, but it was manipulation. infibia comes back into the room, she freezes.
"So you found them." she says not sounding pleased, i'm confused.

"Then I only looked at one." Then I remember the one that fell in the photo down.

I look at it and before I can get my arm to it infibia snaches it up and walks to her room slamming the door after herself. I wonder what is so important or secret on that photo.

Fss. A whistling sound comes from a nearby mountain and something flys past my right ear. It hits the wall. I grab the arrow off the wall as another one hits the wall where I was standing a split second ago. I grab it off the wall and charge out of the door onto the porch. I spot them. Woodland elves. Something gets chucked onto my skin as I lift myself over to the elves. My magic stops and I fall into a lake. Arrows keep coming after me when I'm in the water. I try to dodge them but one of them comes an inch away from my face before I grab it. I swim to the surface and gasp for air before another round of arrows come hurtling towards me. My body shakes as I swim through the water to some foliage. I use an arrow that comes past the tree to throw back at them. It doesn't work now to do plan b.

The thing was I didn't plan to have a plan b. I get out my invisibility cloak and put it on before heading towards the village where I take my cloak off. I walk hurriedly into the town for the exit. A wave of electricity from the device stuck to my neck hits me as I pass through the market. My knees give way and I reach for the nearest thing to hold me up. It unluckily turns out to be a teenage girl. She pulls me up looking worried.

"Are...are you okay?" she asks,

"I just need to get this off and it stops me from using magic.' I say annoyed.

"Hmm..." the girl says studying the device.

Then gets a hair pin out of her hair and starts poking at it. She flicks open something and types something into it. It falls onto the ground, I thank her then teleport to angel kingdom. 

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