A-49 - Who's Watching Me?

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Aberrant Number: A-49
Alias: Who's Watching Me?
Threat Level: Neutral
Destroyable? NO

Description: A-49 is a male shower room located in AK Organization Station 6.

If a personnel enters A-49, he will feel an intense paranoia where he will think that someone or something is watching him from a place that is out of his sight. This will cause the subject to panic and will try to exit A-49 as soon as possible. Some personnels will die from cardiac arrest after having A-49's Aberrant effect.

It is unknown if there's really any other Aberrants that resides A-49 or if it is just an Aberrant effect of A-49 itself.


PARANOIA: A-49 can cause any personnels inside it to feel like someone is watching them and will have a panic attack.

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