A-53 - Gluttony

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Aberrant Number: A-53
Alias: Gluttony
Threat Level: Hazardous
Destroyable? NO

Description: A-53 is an overweight male humanoid. The Aberrant often refuse to wear any clothes aside from an underwear.

A-53 is capable of eating and swallowing anything, organic or inorganic. Its teeth, despite the size can break through harder objects. Despite sometimes gorging dangerous objects, A-53 will suffers no abdominal problems.

A-53 claims to be very old and was here when people said to worship a warthog-like idol.


A-53 is very gluttonous and get easily felt hungry. Every 3 hours it request for anything to eat. The Aberrant Keepers provides A-53 with sixteen dozens of pizza every three hours.


CHOMP: A-53 can chomp anything it wants to eat without damaging itself.

INVULNERABILITY: A-53 can't be killed by any means.

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