A-66 - Arachnophobia

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Aberrant Number: A-66
Alias: Arachnophobia
Threat Level: Hazardous
Destroyable? YES

Description: A-66 is a female humanoid with an extra arthropod-like legs on its back. A-66 was discovered in Mainland, China at 1965 after several deaths were reported caused by an "arachnid-girl".

A-66 is capable of releasing sticky silk from both its mouth and hands. This silk looks similar to the silks released by spiders.

When agitated, A-66 will generate fangs as well as another pair of eyes will manifest on its forehead.


A-66 is very hostile and aggressive towards any individuals that it saw. The Aberrant has a diet for blood, mainly cattles, sheep, goats and humans.


SPIDER-LIKE SILKS: A-66 can generate silks from its mouth and hands which are effective in ensnaring and catching preys.

TRANSFORMATION: A-66 can transform into a gigantic arthropod resembling a spider. It also generates fangs when in hunting mode.

EXTRA LIMBS: A-66 has an extra pair of spider-like limbs on its back under its shoulder.

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