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Damian's POV

I never wanted to move to this small town in tornado infested Oklahoma. We lived in San Francisco, we had a great life but Layla wanted to raise our kid in a smaller town. He was almost twelve so why now? But I listened and we made plans to move.

Maybe we should've stayed in the big city because things changed drastically when we moved. We argued way more and I just didn't love her like I used to. Layla is a major b*tch. I thought this move would be great for us but I was wrong. Layla wanted another kid but I didn't want one.

Austin was almost grown and he wouldn't want a little brother or sister at his age. H*ll I wouldn't want one either! She pushed and pushed but she hadn't got pregnant. Which was a blessing in disguise. Pulling up at our new house was h*ll on me. I just left everything I knew for this?!

An extra small town that was probably infested with bad people? I had noticed a small girl playing in her yard but I ignored her. Layla made her way over to the neighbors always having to play a social butterfly. I huffed in annoyance as Austin and I got out to help the movers.

I got annoyed and called Layla over but I ended up getting called over there. Charlotte was a very nice woman and she was raising her little girl greatly. Persephone had all the manners and she was graceful in her little movements.

She grew up into the awkward ten year old. We were all awkward at the stage in life. She probably had a period now and all that jazz. She was still adorable.

Then, one day she turned into this super hot fifteen year old. She had large t*ts, a huge a*s, and hips! Nice hips! Her hips were nicer than her momma's! I couldn't stop myself from looking.

No one could. Her body was so nice that men and women couldn't stop themselves from looking. By now I had seen those lustful looks she'd give me. The way those huge brown eyes would gaze up at me in such a romantic way.

I'm a perv. I shouldn't be encouraging this child to look at me like that. Then, she went and got a boyfriend. His name was Tony or something like that, and he stared at her t*ts basically the whole night. Something young gentlemen shouldn't do. So I spoke out on it and then bam!

Persephone turns into this little spitfire that tore me a new a*shole. Layla reprimanded me that night and then I realized that I was jealous of the two teens. She was probably somewhere sucking his d*ck while I wasn't getting my d*ck sucked. That isn't fair.

She didn't speak to me for a while after that. I would rarely see her and at the dinners she always spoke to Charlotte or Layla. I guess I wasn't worthy of her attention anymore. I couldn't help the fact that I may stare at her t*ts for too long or dat a*s because they were begging for attention.

Layla never seemed to notice. So all was good. Until Layla would start disappearing for hours without any explanation to where she went. Her clothes would always be ruffled and stained. I had to come to terms with the fact that my wife is a w*ore. I knew she was cheating on me.

I just didn't feel like doing anything about it. Layla and I were so much in love when we had Austin. It was like we had so much overflowing love for each other and it just died. I wish it didn't but it had. Especially when I found out she was cheating on me with one of Austin's friends.

The day she left I told her I wanted a divorce. She flipped and got all her stuff and left. Liam would still need his mother but she just up and left. Now, I am a single father of two kids. Austin barely came around now because of the baby.

It was "embarassing" to him. I could understand why. His almost 40 year old dad had a baby. I wished I had waited now. To get one son it basically ruined the relationship with the other. F*ck my life.

Then, Persephone decides to bounce back here and live again. Why? Because she's a stormchaser. Well not actually a stormchaser but she's going to school to be one. A f*cking dangerous job I know that.

She spent two years away but seeing her as a grown woman started up those feelings again. I could just imagine her with them full plump lips wrapped around my...

I need to calm down. Just watching her lips wrap around that Coca Cola bottle was pure torture. I could imagine all the things she could do with them and that lithe little body of her's. I'm ready to see what she can do with that mouth and lower lips.

I'm perving on a girl in front of her mom. I need help. Watching her hold Liam was like one of my biggest fantasies I didn't know I had. She was so gentle with him that I almost jizzed my pants just looking at her. I could actually imagine putting a baby in her.

I could be the working husband coming home to her but no...she wants to chase a tornado. It would be sexy to watch her t*ts jiggle but still that is dangerous.

"Do you hear that?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the goddess sitting beside me. F*cking Persephone the wife of Hades was sitting beside me on her front porch.

"Hear what?"

A bed squeaking could be heard from inside the house followed by soft moans.

"I know they are not having sex!"

"It sounds like they are."

I chuckled at the expression on her face. Her nose turned up and her hands covering her ears. I placed my hand on her thigh in a friendly manner. She just didn't know that plans I had for her.


Hey guys!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! A peek into Damian's mind so I hope you liked it!! Thanks for reading!! Smooches!!!

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