[a/n: for those of you who might've read chapter seven before i made some changes, i now made it so that BOTH Trenton & Carolyn weren't killed]
NANCY, WAKE UP. WE'RE GETTING READY for the meeting." A deep voice was commanding, gently shaking her.
"Stop, Zoe," Nancy mumbled, not yet fully awake. "Don't do it."
"It's Damian," The voice spoke up. "But I'm pretty sure I could make the name Zoe work."
"Definitely not," A new voice, this time feminine, popped into the conversation. "I, however, could." Nancy opened her eyes just in time to see Jess giving her long blonde hair a flip.
"I doubt it," Damian teased, and Jess looked slightly taken aback by the sudden change of behavior. "We all know that I can make anything work."
"I'd like to disagree," Nancy smiled and pulled him aside. "What happened to 'everyone else is shady'?"
"I said you're the least shady. Plus, she's my next-door neighbor, what am I supposed to do, punch her lights out?" Damian argued. "She's second least shady on my list, by the way."
"And then Gunnar, and then Drew. Yeah, I kind of figured." Nancy completed the list for him. "I guess I'll agree with you."
"So where am I on your fancy list?" Damian questioned innocently.
"You're probably the least shady," Nancy reasoned. "You know, since you're going to Stanford and all."
"Well," Damian grinned cockily, but was quickly shut down by the ever-adherent Drew.
"We gather here today-" Drew cut him off, so, in turn, Damian cut him off with a snicker. And here comes Asshole Damian, Nancy thought, recognizing the tone from the day before.
"We don't need a presidential speech, Detective. We need a plan to get out of this hellhole, am I right?" He looked to the rest of the group.
"I second that." Gunnar mock-saluted Damian, who bowed in answer, a "bad boy" smirk on his lips.
"I third it." Jess agreed - and then it was Nancy who they were waiting for an answer from.
"Lead the way, Captain Damian." She copied Gunnar's former gesticulation and leaned forward, waiting for Damian to pick up the 'speech'.
"Okay, so here's what we know: There's five of us, and two of them - although there may be more once we get to our destination. Does anyone have any suspicions as to who could be accomplices? I know there's not much to go on, but-"
Damian was cut off swiftly by Drew, who snarled, "You."
"And why are we so convinced you aren't working with them?" Damian countered, crossing his arms over his chest - almost protectively.
"Because we all know I solve crimes, not contribute to them." Drew answered confidently.
"Get your head out of your ass, Drew," Damian growled, and Nancy wanted to chime in with, 'it's not a hat' (a line from one of her favorite movies, Pitch Perfect). "You're wrong about this one."
"And I know you're not lying because...?"
"Guys, shut up," Gunnar cut in to their argument. "We're not getting anywhere with you guys arguing the whole time. We called this meeting to make up a plan, remember?"
"Yeah, and that's what I was doing when Drew so rudely interrupted me," Damian glared daggers at his newfound 'archnemesis'.
"Damian," Nancy touched his arm. "Calm down."

The Hanging Tree
HorrorHer scream pierced the night as his thick, velvety blood spilled onto the overgrown roots of the hanging tree. - Every month, five teens are taken to the hanging tree to be punished for their crimes. There is no notice of the time the...