Part 1 - Dragonstone

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The hour grew late, as Daeny's threw on her white silky cloak that was worth more then a pound of gold.

She kept her hair the same as Amaia braided it as it was today, and walked out with Amaia following her, bags in hand. As she walked down the dimly lit corridors as Amaia followed making uncomfortable grunting noises the entire time due to the weight of the bags.

When she finnaly reached outside there stood Jacerys and Vermax, and next to them her massive white scales Dragon Veraxes who towered over both Jace and his dragon. Her dragon was fully grown now and she was almost as big as Meleys.

Her dragon let out a soft rumble greeting her in her prescence. As Amaia bagged all her things onto the ride she said in a low whisper, "Goodbye princess, Being your handmaiden all these years was my pleasure." she said giving her a sad smile.

"I shall miss your prescence Amaia." Daenys replied in a low whisper. Amaia hurried off and as Daenys went to mount her dragon she stopped as she heard the words, "Daenys." there stood Ros with a sincere look on his face.

"I've come to say goodbye." he said standing there not moving an inch.

Daenys moved towards him slowly, "Did you tamper with my letters? The ones Jace would send every moon?!" she yelled out.

"Nys we dont have time for this." Jace said irritably

"It'll only be a second." she said turning her head towards Jace then back to Ros.

she lifted an eyebrow waiting for his answer.

He only had shock and denial written all over his face and Daenys already knew what his answer would be.

"Yes.." he uttered out slowly, guilt clouding over his words. Daeny's shook her head angrily backing up away from him.

"But it was only to protect you!" He tried to stammer out before she could leave. But she kept walking away and eventually mounted her dragon.

"Dany! please." He yelled out.

"Soves, Veraxes!" She yelled out in high valyrian, and not a moment latter Veraxes let out a loud rumble and they flew upon the skies, and Jace followed afterwards with Vermax not a second later.


The flight to dragonstone was long and tiring, and it had taken half a fortnight until their arrival.

And as soon sleepy Daeny's saw the large castle in their veiwing her heart dropped. She had arrived, and by now her family 100% knew of her arrival just by the screetching and roars of their dragons.

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