Part 8 - On the Morrow

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Daeny's shifted in bed quietly as she awoke to fell Aegon's strong arms around her in the heat of the bed, smiled to herself as she was happy how close her and Aegon's relationship had gotten  over these past weeks.
She felt even more connected to him now, that she gave herself to him lastnight. Today was the mornibg her family would leave for dragonstone and she didnt know when she would see them next.

Perhaps for when Visery's passes and her mother takes over the throne, which could happen any day now, or years from now. But it didnt worry her any longee, because she had her person with her in her familys abscence, Aegon.
She knew she loved him and he loved her, and mayhaps in this castle she wouldnt feel so doubleteamed now.

She quietly moved out of bed not wanting to wake him as she prepared to get dressed for the morning as her family awaited for her farewell.
Her naked body threw on a baby blue dress fastly as she heard Aegon groan and moan under the covers as he stretched about near her side of the bed expecting to feel her, but he sighed out in discomfort when her prescence wasnt there.

"Daeny's..." he groaned out muffiedly as his head layed buried under the pillow.  She turned around and smiled, "Yes?"

"Come back to bed..." he groaned out crankily when he knew her prescence was in the bedroom. He leaned up slowly as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"I would.." Daeny's said in a light giggle of laughter as she tied the corset to her dress, "But.. I must say goodbye to my family before they leave."

She walked towards Aegon, "Then we can spend the rest of the day today doing whatever it is you want." She said with a bright smile as she kissed him on the cheek.

Aegon hated the fact she was so attached and connected to her family, and it urched him that there every moment was simply always interrupted because of them.
But he simply let her go, since he loved her too much.

Daeny's was fully dressed now as she threw on a baby blue short sleeved dress with flower embroidered, and lobg sleeve laced white gloves. Her hair was wavy and down, as there was a multitude of braids, and bubble braids mixed in with the wavy hair.


"Visit as soon as you can.." Rhaenyra said as she moved her hands from her swollen belly and leaned up to give her a hug.
The rest of her family leaved and exited out to go to the carriage, "Of course mother." Daeny's said with a light smile as she embraced her back.
"Goodbye little Aegon and Viserys.." she said looking over to the sweet little silver haired babys that sat in a handmaidens arms.

"I'll miss you all! I'll be sure to visit soon!" Daeny's called out to half of her family in the carriage.

Daemon stepped towards her in a light whisper, "Let me know if he causes you any trouble.. I'll unshield dark sister myself and cut off his cock."

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