Chapter 8- Reunion

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It was surely nice weather for June, far different from the insufferable heat of summer. A perfect day for drawing! That is what Ruby is thinking as she’s sitting on the grass, art supplies scattered around her as she is drawing the scenery in front of her on the canvas. She knew her former art teacher was busy nowadays so she was aware that Miss Melanie is going to take a while to come and help. Despite having her class for only 2 years, Ruby’s favourite teacher was Melanie. You could always come and talk to her no matter what without the fear of getting judged, not to mention she was always supportive. And over the course of 2 years Melanie and Ruby formed a close bond to a point that Ruby sees her as a role model and Melanie caring about the girl like a sister. That's why they agreed to keep in contact after Melanie resigned as an art teacher.
Ruby raised her head from the canvas as she heard the familiar voice of her teacher. Looking at the direction, the girl realises Melanie is approaching while talking to someone. Someone Ruby wasn't expecting to see.
“Relax! Besides, I left Gloria and Arthur in charge. They know what they're doing, it's going to be fine- oh! There she is”
Melanie mumbles and waves at Ruby, who jumps to her feet upon seeing her brother with her teacher together. How did the two even meet? She keeps glaring at Sammy as Melanie hugs her.
“Ruby, dear, I know you're surprised. But I want you two to talk and fix the misunderstanding”
Melanie began only to be cut off by Ruby. She's still glaring at Sammy, her cheerful demeanour left its place to an angry one the moment she saw her brother.
“Look who it is? My grumpy-ass brother. What are you doing with Miss Melanie? I thought you were allergic to happiness.”
Ruby slurred, making Sammy let out a sharp groan. He already looks defeated, so hurt. And Ruby doesn't look so bright either…
“Please, try to talk with each other. I'll leave to give you some space. But don't leave, don't make rash decisions and try to understand each other.”
Melanie said in a pleading tone, gesturing both of them to sit down where Ruby was sitting before.
“No, please stay Melanie.”
Sammy murmurs before settling down onto the grass beneath them with one hand holding Melanie's to help her sit down as well. The ginger woman shoots an expectant look towards Ruby, making the girl frown visibly. She knew Sammy did try to reach out to them for years. And she was aware that listening to what he had to say was the rational thing to do. But both Sarah and Ruby were so blinded by the anger to do so. So Ruby hesitates for a brief moment before also settling down on the ground. Melanie reaches for her hand, in an attempt to give comfort. And her presence does soothe Ruby as well as Sammy. Come to think of it, Ruby realises how different Sammy looks. Not because of the longer hair, no. He looked burnt out, more tired and sorrowful than he ever was.
“Ruby, I never meant to make you two feel like I'm abandoning you. I… Everything I've done was to protect you and Sarah. To protect you from mom. I want you two to have a good image about her so I hid a lot of things. I hid the broken bottles and bruises I had, pushing you two away as I tried to make her change. She cursed at me, scarred me in every way only to shed tears. Swearing that even though she couldn't be anything to me, she's going to change and be a good mother and I believed her. I waited and tried to help her. But I was… I was so tired. I wanted to leave but not without you and Sarah. But you didn't want to and I can't blame you for that. But I just couldn't.”
Sammy slurred, through his whole speech his voice began shaking. His eyes are getting blurry as he's trying to hold back tears. Ruby listens in silence, can't hold eye contact as tears trail down from her cheeks. Luckily the park isn't crowded and their location isn't anywhere noticeable.
Ruby remembers the scars on Sammy's body, him and his sister having countless arguments about it but them never learning the reasoning of those scars. Their mother complained about Sammy's attitude for hours, trying to change the sisters' opinions about their brother. How come they didn't notice? Why did they ignore it? Ruby’s anger dissolves into guilt as silence sets between the trio. Melanie once again sees how much of a caring brother Sammy is. How lucky the Lawrence siblings were to have each other… Melanie leans in and wraps her arms around Ruby, letting the girl cry on her shoulder. Her hand rubs her back to soothe her. She hears the grass rustle and notices Sammy getting up. Seeing the woman's puzzled look, Sammy raises the pack of cigarettes in his hand, indicating he's only leaving for a smoke break.
When he comes back after 20 minutes, Sammy finds Melanie and Ruby completely buried in the canvas, Melanie watching and sometimes interfering as Ruby draws. And finally, the two admire the finished product. Only then Sammy joins them, making Melanie scrunch her nose because of the smell of cigarettes.
Ruby gets up, standing in front of Sammy. He could tell from the twitching of her lips that she's about to cry again. Ruby lowers her head, fidgeting with her hands as she speaks
“I need some time…to talk with Sarah you know… but I'm sorry and I missed you, Sam”
She mumbles before leaving despite Melanie calling out for her and offering to drop her home. Melanie sighed, rubbing her temples. The smell of cigarettes was definitely triggering a migraine.
“That went well.”
Sammy remarked, checking the time only to notice there's no point in turning back to the studio.
“It’s going to get better, just wait”
Melanie responds as she begins to walk. Sammy follows her in silence until they reach the metro station. Melanie turns to Sammy with a bitter smile
“See you tomorrow then.”
“Why didn't you tell me you're going to use the metro sooner? I can drop you off.”
The musician suggests, taking Melanie aback. Seeing this nice, vulnerable side of Sammy this whole day was… honestly pleasant to say the least.
“No, that's fine! I'm going in the opposite direction anyway. Don't bother.”
Melanie protested, her nervous tone making Sammy confused.
“Are you sure? It's no burden for me…”
“Alright since you insist”
Melanie chimes, come to think about it, the metro would be super crowded at this time of day. So, sitting next to Sammy while being super flustered sounded better than suffering in public transport. The two made their way to Sammy's car, Melanie giving directions. Other than that, they didn't talk much during the whole ride. But it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Melanie’s only complaint was the sharp smell of cigarettes though, making her migraine worse. Eventually, Sammy drops Melanie off in front of her apartment and she enters her home. Takes a shower and throws herself into her bed, already opening her phone to give a status update to Gloria as well as hearing about her day with Arthur, a composer whom Gloria shows great interest towards, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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