Back into action!

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The collector entered the valley of peace and made his way through with his minion army of dragon soldiers....

Shifu wakes up from his dream because it turns out it was a trouble vision. He went to go worn the five and told crane to fly over to Po's and tigresses place for he needed his best students for the job. Crane agreed he would bring them back and quickly flew off towards their cabin.

YeYe was collecting cool rocks around their house while, tigress was making lunch for everyone and Po was out to the near by village to buy some things for YeYe. It was quite quiet until the sounds of wings can be heard in the sky. Shortly, crane showed up to their house and spotted YeYe. Crane thought maybe he was a neighbor.
"Hello their little guy. Do you know if the people living here are home?" YeYe looks at crane.
"Yeah my mommy is home." Crane looks at him confused.
"Mommy?" Crane thinks he might of gone to the wrong house. So as he was about the fly off, tigress quickly noticed that crane was there and she got outside before he flew off.
"Wait crane!" He turns around to see that he was correct that they lived there. But the duck still had him turned.
"Oh tigress. I was about to take off because I thought I came to the wrong house."
"No you came to the right one. But if your looking for Po he's not home right now."
"Actually I'm looking for the both of you for master Shifu."
"Master Shifu?" Tigress looks at him surprised. Usually, Shifu would of wait until their honeymoon was over to ask them to do a mission. But in this case it better just be an emergency.
"Yeah he sent me over to tell you guys something important."
"What is it?"

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