Keep Me Close to Your Heart

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At the Jade Palace...
Tigress and Po enter the palace with YeYe in front of them. When YeYe saw the palace his eyes buggled out of his head.
"Whoa! This is huge!" He ran up the stairs in a hurry to explore the huge - amazing - building.
"Wait for us at the top YeYe" Tigress says smiling but a little nervous to tell shifu about his grandson. Po wanted to wait until he told his father about YeYe. Knowing might steal his son to take over the shop with him.

Shifu walks out of the jade palace to see a little duck waiting at the top of the stairs. Shifu looked confused to think that he maybe lost but then he soon saw tigress and Po coming up from the stairs. "Thank you for waiting YeYe" Po says praising YeYe for waiting for them. shifu walked up to them.
"Who is this child did you say?" Tigress glances at Po as he puts his paw on her shoulder.
"Master, this child is YeYe. Me and Po found him in the forest a couple days ago lost and no memory of his past, just his name." YeYe stood by them, while Shifu kept looking at him and at tigress and Po.
"...I found the place he came from but it was burned down. And we assumed that his parents were dead." Po says looking down. Tigress puts in.
"So we took him in as our own. I know this is sudden but..." Shifu paused her by holding up his finger to shush her. He looks towards YeYe who was playing around in the courtyard. Then, he looks back at them. Tigress was nervous to what he was gonna say and so was Po.
"It is sudden. But I hope you can still fulfill your duty as masters." Tigress and Po both nod in agreement.
"Crane agreed to watch over him." Tigress says just to have Shifu disagree.
"No I need him to fight as well. Po can your father watch over him?"
"Maybe. He doesn't know about YeYe yet." Shifu sighs.
"Very well. But you must train right away. I'll watch him for now."
"Thank you master" tigress says, as her and Po quickly bow before heading over to the training area. YeYe realizes they were leaving and follows them. But, tigress stops him.
"No no YeYe you can't come in here. Its dangerous." YeYe frowns.
"But...I don't wanna be alone."
"Your now gonna be alone. Your grandpa is gonna watch you while we go train." Po says, as he gives YeYe a hug along with tigress. They leave, and Shifu walks to YeYe.
"YeYe, do you know how to play checkers?" YeYe nods.
"Would you like to play?" YeYe nods again with a smile. Shifu smiles as well.

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