Gifts and plans for New year

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—Who do you have to gift in the festival? — I asked Elliot for the third time because he kept refusing to tell me. —I already told you mine, so come on.

—You're really persistent. If you want to know so bad, it's Jodi. — He said with a sigh, not looking up from his novel.

—Do you already know what to gift her? I'm stuck with mine.

I let out a sigh and leaned against the wall by his side, my arms crossed over my chest.

—Actually, I was planning to ask if you have some diamonds from your travels to the mines.

—Diamonds? Sure, I have some on the farm. I can bring you a few ones later.

—You're the best. I'm going to add a letter with the gift. — He said, finally looking up from his novel. He'd been writing this whole time. —How is it going with your own gift?

—I'm still figuring it out. I don't think Mrs. Evelyn would really know, and I don't want to ask Haley.

Things with Haley were still a bit uncomfortable. It's not like we hate each other, but I'd prefer not to get along for a while.

—Just gift him something artisanal. You live on a farm; it's not that hard to think of something. — He said, making me feel a bit dumb for not thinking of that first.

—And what do you suggest?

—I don't know, a bottle of wine? — He said, leaning back more in his chair. —A good wine is always the right option.

—Now you're sounding like Shane. — I laughed, watching his eyes roll. —But maybe you're right. I've been aging some, so it's a good idea.

—I always have good ideas. — Now it was my turn to roll my eyes at his words.

—Now, changing the topic... — I went to sit on his bed, looking at the ceiling, a bit embarrassed by my next words. —I'm going to confess to Leah.

—Finally! — He exclaimed, making me laugh. —Now start talking because I need details.

I blushed a bit, thinking of the details. —Well, I was thinking of doing it on New Year's Eve, when Gus launches the fireworks.

—That's perfect! — He said with excitement. —Leah loves fireworks, doesn't she?

I nodded. —Yes, and I thought it would be a magical moment, with the sky lit up and everyone celebrating the new year.

—Have you thought about what you're going to say? — He asked, sitting up and giving me his full attention.

—I'm still thinking on it. I want it to be heartfelt, you know? — I said, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. —Something like how much she means to me and how she's become such an important part of my life.

—She'll love that. — He reassured me. —Just make sure to find the right moment, away from the crowd.

—I know. — I nodded. —I'll find a quiet spot near the beach where we can watch the fireworks together. Just the two of us.

—Sounds like a plan. — He said with a grin. —I'm really happy for both of you.

—Thanks. — I said, feeling a bit more confident. —I just hope everything goes as planned.

—It will. — He said firmly —Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place.

I nodded again. I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest, waiting to see Leah's reaction and hoping with all my heart that she felt the same way.

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