Chapter Four

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Suguru shut the door behind him as he made his way to the elevator, pressing the button and checking his bag real quick to make sure he didn't forget his lunch before he got too far to go back and get it, though he was glad to see it.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened revealing he wouldn't be alone in the elevator, Satoru stood there with earbuds in, looking up and smiling, pulling them out and waving.

"Good morning!" Satoru chirped as Suguru stepped into the elevator, the doors shutting as it made it's descent to the ground floor, the others extreme enthusiasm a stark contrast to the still half awake Suguru.

"Morning." Suguru replied covering his mouth as he closed his eyes and yawned, he still wasn't used to waking up this early since at his old school it was only a five minute walk to school so he could sleep in, now it was a 20 minute train ride.

"Someone got his beauty sleep interrupted it seems." Satoru teased with a giggle.

"I'm not used to waking up so early, give me a break." He responded as the doors opened again and they stepped out and made their way out of the apartment complex and towards the train station.

"Hmmm, maybe just go to bed earlier then." Satoru suggested.

"I have been, unlike you and your perfect beauty sleep I'm tired no matter how early I go to bed." He sighs rubbing his eyes as they stood and waited for their train.

Satoru would gasp and Suguru would raise and eyebrow and look over confused, seeing the others hands clasped and pressed against his cheek.

"You think I'm beautiful!?"

"Huh- when did I say that?" Suguru asked clearly very confused tilting his head slightly.

"You said I had perfect beauty sleep so that means-"

"Hey you were the one to even start with that 'beauty sleep' shit so do you think I'm beautiful?" He flipped the question onto Satoru with a smirk hoping to stop the conversation right there.

"Yeah I think you're pretty beautiful." Satoru shrugged nonchalantly, Suguru's jaw dropped and he gave Satoru an odd look.

"You can't be serious." He said rhetorically, the part of hair he kept down from his bun swaying as the train arrived opening it's doors for them, they walked in and Suguru sat while Satoru stood and held onto one of the hand rails above them.

"Yea I'm serious, you just got something about you, ya know? I bet girls are already crushing on you." Satoru replied looking down at Suguru.

Clearly this guy doesn't understand rhetorical questions.

Then Satoru's eyes widened like he had the best idea ever, "We can both be fan girled over together!!!"

"That doesn't sound fun-"

"It sorta is, they give you gifts every now and then and they always say good morning to you and sometimes if they're really dedicated they'll make you homemade lunches! But having you with me being fan girled will make it so much more fun!" Satoru gasped with a wide grin.

"Uh huh...."

"Anyway you can't control if they do or not so you gotta prepare, maybe you'll even get some fan guys~"

"Like you?" Suguru mocked with a smile.

"Yup just like me!" Satoru replied with a grin, clearly able to take mockery and even tease back, or maybe he wasn't teasing and was being serious, his face warmed a little bit as he thought too much into it before deciding to stop.

* At school the two would walk into class at the same time, not even a minute passing before there was a chorus of four girls calling out to him.

"Good morning Gojo-Kun!!" They called, he'd flash them a charming smile and wave.

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