Chapter 15

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"So you say that you saw three man and shot one of them in the leg after they chased you?" Rick said trying to get together my story.

I sat on the Chair in Hershel's house as he bandaged my arm.

"Yeah" i agreed and bit my lip as the old man tightened the bandage.

"They were armed, i was alone, i had to" i started to explain again but the silenced me.

"Did you saw them chase you even after you slowed down?" Shane asked leaning against a wall opposite of me.

"I don't think so... i don't know."

"Okay we have to have our guards up from now on. They have a group we don't know how many" Rick said. "Get rest"

Him, Shane and Hershel left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. I replayed the events of the day over and over in my head. Maybe if i wasn't acting so impulsive the things would go different way.


"Want a peach?"

"Sure, Thanks" I took one of peaches out of Glenn's basket. He looked really nervous about something.

"You good?" I asked him slightly worried.

"Yes yes everything is good" he said quickly avoiding eye contact.

"You sure? You can tell me i won't Snitch"

"Okay" he sighed and came closer to me making sure no one was around. "There's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant"

"What?!" I gasped.

"Shhhh be quiet, i promised i won't tell anyone" he panicked even more.

"Walkers? Why? Why Hershel keep them here? It's dangerous!" I said.

"I don't know but please don't tell anyone for now Maggie will be mad i told you" he sighed biting his lip nervously.

"Maggie that horse girl right? I see something's up with you two" I paused "Fine i won't tell anyone"

He walked away to give the rest of the group peaches while i stayed on Porch. I sat down lost in thoughts. That shit is too dangerous. How many walkers are in the barn? They could go out and attack us.

After a while Shane walked up to me asking if i would like to go for gun training but i refused. After the rest went out i walked up to Lori that was doing laundry by the RV.

"Can i help?" I sat beside her grabbing cloth from the bowl.

"Sure all help appreciated" she smiled at me.

"I heard you let Carl go to shooting lessons" i tried to make a small talk.

"Yeah, i really don't know if i should have" she sighed while folding a shirt.

"I think you made a right decision at least he will get used to it quicker, and it may save his life one day" i said.

"I know but he's too young to shoot, he just got shot"

"I know i know but in times like this-" i looked at her. "Kids also have to know how to protect themselfes"

"You are probably right"

After that we didn't spoke much but i felt she appreciated my pressence. She acted like a mom to me and that was really sweet.  I decided to not ask her about pregnancy. She will tell me when she's ready. After some times people came back from the trip and Carl ran to us happily telling his mother about what he learned.

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