141-VeggieTales! Sing-Along: The Great I Am!

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You can trust that God exists.  Just open up your eyes He did It all with No assist . !    Don't tell me You're surprised!    😯!  

He made the stars

There's no doubt!

Sun and moon

Gotta shout!

The universe!

Inside out!

Do not Doubt

He's real My friend,

Just because He can't be Seen!

He's working it off screen

Solar Systems kinda big

But it Fits inside His Hand

He cares for you

And so it's True

You can Trust the Great 😌 I Am!

Say what?

You can Trust the great I am!

It's that God's got patience man

Cuz you're sure testing mine!

He made the sky 🌌

And oceans Blue!

Those deserts too

Those islands too!

He can't lie

You know it's true!

God's our friend through thick and thin

You're safe in any boat He's in!

He's got the Plan!

When you're in a jam!

Go see The Man!

Have faith in the Great I Am!

I'm talking about The Great I Am!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2024 ⏰

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