Chapter 4: A Sticky Situation

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I heard another knock at my door. I looked through the peephole, once more. These guys didn't seem as scary as they actually looked. They looked pretty tired, but nonetheless intimidating. I tried to relax myself and brushed my curly blonde hair back with my finger and tightened the robe I was wearing. I unlocked the door and greeted the handsome strangers.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Hi, we're looking for Dr. Cardona," said the tall blond one, with a scary looking scar along his right eyebrow.

"Yeah that's me. How can I help you guys?" I asked cautiously, still holding the door as a barrier between us.

"We're looking for a man named Alec Hunt. He was a patient of yours yesterday," he stated. I looked at the other two behind him. One had a shaved head and broad shoulders and the other short brown hair.

"I'm sorry but I can't give any information about him. I requested another doctor for him," I tried to think on my feet, "and even if you were to go back to the hospital, it would have been pointless because he was transferred to another hospital this morning," I said. The blonde one seemed to be getting really angry.

"Is what you are saying the truth?" He asked through gritted teeth. My heart racing at the thought of him hurting me.

"Calm down now. I honestly don't know where he is. He isn't my responsibility anymore." I said quietly.

"Let's go Ted. She's telling the truth", said the brown haired one. He turned back towards me, "Sorry to bother."

"Have a good day," I said, closing the door behind them and locking it. I looked through the peephole to make sure they were completely gone. They were, but I was still shaken up. Relax, Edith, they're gone, I told myself. I decided to make some tea to calm my nerves and lay down on the couch to watch the early morning news. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I do know that I felt arms carrying me.
It was seven at night when I woke up. I stretched out in my bed, still in my robe, with a nipple hanging out. I quickly covered it up. I looked at my surrounding.

"What the hell? How did I get here?" I quietly asked myself. I must have slept walked over here... Or maybe it was Alec. And if it was him, I was oddly enough ok with the idea. Although now I'm curious if the nipple incident was accidental or not.

I felt a lot better now that I had actually gotten more than eight hours of sleep. I walk towards the bathroom when I see a sticky note on my nightstand. "Call this number when you get the chance." I looked at it carefully and recognized the handwriting. It was Alec's. I definitely plan on calling him later. I still have a shit ton of things to ask him.
I walk out of my bedroom with my hair in a messy bun, a t-shirt, and jean shorts.

"The dead has risen!" said James laughing with Lia. I laughed with them and walk towards the kitchen, passing Lia and James, who were talking about going out tonight. I see that there is already a warm plate of food on the dinner table for me.

"You guys are the best", I yelled as I sat down on the dining chair. After I finished eating, I took out my phone and called the number on the sticky note Alec left me. After a few rings someone answers, I stay silent on the other line to confirm if it was actually Alec on the phone.

"Hello... Edith? Is that you?" I recognized that deep, distinctive voice.

"Yeah, Alec it's me" you could hear the relief in my voice. "Alec, what happened? Why did you leave? There were men who came to my apartment. Why were they looking for you?"

"It's complicated, Edith. I want to explain in person but I don't want to put you or your friends in any danger."

"Please, please tell me that I'm not helping you do anything illegal. That I'm not your accomplice," worry evident in my voice.

"I swear to you that I haven't done anything illegal and that you aren't an accomplice. Please trust me, Edith." Hearing that tone in Alec's voice breaks my heart.

"Oddly enough, I do." I whisper into the phone. I explain to him about early this morning and the men that I spoke to.

"Did you spray any perfume on or any air fresheners before they came?" he asked.

"I always put on my perfume after I shower, and it just so happened that I lit a few candles and sprayed some air freshener before they arrive," I said.

"My Goddess, I really hit the jackpot with you," he said happily, "Next time I see you, baby, I will sweep you off you-"

"No, Alec. No, 'baby'. No, sweeping of any feet. I told you before that we can't be in a relationship and you broke that rule. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy it because I really enjoyed it, but I barely know you. Hell, I barely know what I'm getting into with you. And next time I see you I want answers," I said seriously.

"And I hope there will be a next time," I said truthfully.

"There will be a next time... Baby," I could already imagine the smirk on his face.

"Alec..." I said playfully scolding him. I scream as Lia and James voices appear out of nowhere.

"Oh, is that Alec, tell him I said hi!" said Lia. I was about to tell him when James took my phone out of my hand.

"Hey, Alec. Oh Edith is fine. Do you have any plans tonight? Well we..."

"We?" I said as I looked up at James.

"...were planning on going to this new club. It's called Horizon, I just so happen to know the owner, and he got me and my friends VIP access. Great! So we will see you there!"

"Wait! I wasn't done talking to him!" I said to James as he ended the phone call.

"Well, now you are. We have to be there at eleven and it's already eight thirty. Go and shave those hairy legs. Alec, will be dying to touch them tonight."

Alec didn't seem to mind my legs this morning, I thought proudly.

Hello, everyone. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. This is the first story I've ever written so please bear with me hahaha. I haven't published in awhile but that's because I was out of the country for a week. I will try to publish regularly or when I'm not feeling bouts of laziness consuming me lol. But sometimes I get so into it that I publish twice in one day. I have nothing better to do with my day than to express myself through writing, so here you go hahaha. Oh, and I'm having trouble deciding a nickname for Edith so if you have an idea, please let me know. Also, what kind of cute nickname should Alec call Edith?


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