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I love women.
I'm not gay, lesbian, sapphic, or anything.
I just love women.

They're iconic and sometimes bitchy and sassy. Women have the ability to create, grow, and distribute an entire human being. Women have invented so many things in history, and had traces of their work covered up and stolen by their husbands or business partners. They weren't taken seriously, and continue to not be.

Feminists don't want women to be more privileged than men, we want to be equality. We want♀️=♂️, not♀️>♂️.

Abortion is healthcare. Abortion should be a right.
No uterus = no opinion. Don't have a uterus? Stop making decisions for the ones that do. Trans men included. All those old white cishet male politicians want is control over women.
Give us our rights. That's all. I love b4. I'm fed up.

I love women.
Lots of women get shamed for having body fat, body hair, all natural things like that.
But Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, was worshipped for having hip dips and body hair. You all are perfect.

Another thing that I have seen been argued over the past few weeks is what Lesbian means. The definition of Lesbian is Non-men loving Non-men. That includes women loving women, women loving non-binary people and vice versa, non-binary people loving non-binary people, people who are demigirls or agender, ect.
Sapphic is women loving women. Yes, that obviously includes trans women. Sapphic and lesbian are not the same thing.

I love women.
And not like that.
I'll support all my sisters forever cause we don't get taken seriously, throughout history and even now across the world.
I love women.

Words: 283

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