A Huge Opinion/Voting Page

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A/n: Honestly I'll wasn't going to be doing another one of these Voting Pages so soon but since I working on the last idea along with not sure what ideas to work on next! You can vote as many times as you like, you can suggest your own ideas or even suggest a continuation of a previous oneshot I'd already written! :D

1. Chubby Host x Reader
. Host occasionally struggles to keep his eyes clean as they frequently bleed mostly due to stress/anxiety. One day the chubby ego could feel his bandages becoming wet but before he could do anything his good friend which is you dragged him to his bedroom for some privacy where you gingerly cleaned up the blood, bandaging his eyes once more you gave your friend a sweet smile that startled/confuses him as he couldn't feel any fear from you seeing what he looked like underneath the bandages! Happy to know his friend doesn't see him differently Host tightly pulls you in for a hug which you happily return sharing a sweet moment that gets ruined by one of the buttons on Host's shirt flys off!

2. First Bonding Moment (Chubby Anti x Robbie)
. Anti wasn't the most sociable/kindest ego in the house which the septics knew about and when the zombie was about to stay with them a few egos warned the chubby demon to be nice. Deciding to stay out of the way Anti went to his bedroom passing the time by simply messaging some ipliers/playing a game on his phone until a gentle knock came on his door and looking up he spotted Robbie entering the room with a huge tray of random sweet treats, trying to be nice Anti invited the zombie to sit on his bed which Robbie took as an invitation to happily start stuffing the chubby glitch mouth with snacks! Confused by the new turn of events Anti oddly went along forced to eat and swallow what was given to him but to his embarrassment as his large soft gut begun to hangout from underneath his shirt that caught the zombies attention lovingly rubbing and kissing it all the while a few septics were watching everything from the doorway!

3. The Plumpus Phantom (Septic Version)
. Something strange has been happening in the septic house as for the past week all the egos have been magically gaining weight. As the egos gathered in the living room to discuss what was happening they realise JJ has been targeted once more his blue vest wide open showing off his soft moobs and doughy gut, not much could be done until Marvin can come up with something and while they waited the other egos have to keep up their guard! Later that night Anti was lying in his bed pretending to be fast asleep until he felt another person/something in his bedroom causing him to snap awake and attack them which failed as he realises that a ghost is floating in front of him, since the glitch was the first one to discover the ghost/phantom they rewarded the ego by pressing their lips against his causing Anti's slightly plump body to swell up with fat and for some strange reason Anti couldn't move/glitch away as he helplessly watches his body fattening up! How big will Anti end up being?

4. Be careful who you tease
. Anti has noticed the septics and his creator have gained various amount of weight making him extremely happy as he teased them endlessly to the point that everyone else decided to tease him back seeing the demon is clearly much heavier/larger than everyone else. From Anti waking up tied to his bed with Jackie standing over him feeding him a huge breakfast, recording a ego content video Anti couldn't help but frequently pull down his ill-fitting black shirt while Sean sneakily prodded/pokes his paunch only making the demon belch on camera, Marvin casting two spells which were to give Anti a pig nose/tail and another being a weight gain spell forcing the glitch to become even more bigger/fatter, Anti accidentally tripping over landing ontop of his huge blubberball belly and unable to get back up until Henrik found him teasingly pinching his red chubby cheeks/patting his wide chunky butt etc! Will Anti learn to never tease anyone else ever again?

5. A Blimp Demon/Part Of The Parade
. Due to their mischievous/pranking nature it wasn't a surprise that Bing and Anti get along pretty well and are somewhat good friends. There was going to be a yearly parade happening showing off different blimps/balloons and the night before Bing and Anti snuck into the hanger to have a little fun seeing the blimps early, however while exploring the chubby android's scanner picked up a security guard making their rounds as Bing pushes himself and the demon into the shadows to hide! While doing this Anti's butt harshly squashed the nozzle of a helium tank/accidentally turning it on sending a steady stream of helium into his body and only noticed something was wrong when he felt oddly bloated/feeling his shirt beginning to ride up, the glitch tries to get Bing's attention who just covers his mouth to be quiet forcing Anti to watch his body expand quietly bursting out of his clothes! Will Bing realise Anti is inflating? Will Bing leave the blimp demon in the warehouse?

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