Chapter 3

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"Anyway," I announce. "Is there anyway to learn about the magical world at the moment?"

"Yes," answers Threadnail. "There is different sections to magic. One way to learn about them is through theoretical knowledge, and practical application. The theoretical portion can be learned at this age through the many different books in stores. However the practical application to the theoretical is banned until age 11, where you go to Hogwarts."

"Hogwash?" I question.

"No, Hogwarts," he corrects. "The magical school that teaches witches and wizards the theoretical and practical portion of magic."

"How long is this school for?" I question.

"It starts at age 11," he starts, "and continues until age 18 ish. So around 7 years."

"Ok," I reply. "And why can I not practise magic until I start at this school?"

"Actually, you cannot practise magic outside of school until age 17," he corrects. "It is wizarding law that no magical person may practise any form of magic until that age, no matter where you come from. They can stop you from ever practising magic ever again if you break this law."

"Ok so no magic outside of school then," I determine. "What stores have books that have theoretical knowledge as well as practical knowledge?"

"That depends on what you wish to learn?" Threadnail answers with a question.

"I want to learn everything," I reply, "it will be beneficial to learn the heiress stuff first though and the basic magic knowledge for now. After I can progress to the harder stuff."

"Smart," Threadnail compliments. "For all types of books you will need to look in a store called Flourish and Blotts. It should have a range of books for all purposes."

"Great," I state. "Is there anywhere to get some clothes, all of mine are at my old house and I wish not to return there."

"Yes," he answers, "in the same area Flourish and Blotts is there is another boutique called Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. She does a variety of clothes from cloaks, to muggle clothing and traditional wizard robes. If you want quality then you should go to her."

"That is great," I reply. "I believe that is all today unless you have something else to add?"

"Actually," he answers. "I wanted to give you this." He reaches back into the same compartment and grabs something. A light blue plastic card is clasped inside his hand firmly.

"This is a bank balance card," he explains. "This will allow you to spend the money from your vaults without having to come inside Gringotts all of the time to get money out. Once a person of not goblin blood touches the card, it automatically bonds to the person and connects the individual and their vaults. This also connects with your head. Any transaction made, it will check to see which bank to select money from, and deduct the money from that vault. If you do not think of one it will go off of intent."

"So like a magical credit card?" I question.

"Yes," he answers enthusiastically. "Exactly like a magical credit card."

"That is awesome," I reply. "Oh, by the way if I get any letters sent to me, can you please send them through to my address at Potter Estate please."

"Yes will do Heiress Potter," he answers. "Was that all for today?"

"Yes that will be all," I reply. Chairs scrape against the floorboards as we both stand up and walk out of the room. Soon enough I am back outside with the busy wizards going from place to place.

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