So Fun

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As we headed up the stairs to the entrance, I saw the beautifully decorated interior, but I couldn't help but notice that it looked awfully similar to the Wayne Manor, Oh Well! I headed inside, and was pleasantly greeted by a butler, who goes by the name of Alfred. "Ello there Govna!" He says, with a shitty british accent. "Can I take your bags?" I hand him my bags, and follow Momm- I mean Haribo to the guest bedroom. It was covered in Batman memorabilia, which was, um, odd. But, like I said before, boobs.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you, I didn't want to stay with that Drippy Yucky Ewwy PooPoo." I say to her, with a completely straight face, because I am completely straight. "You're welcome," She says in her Elmo impression. "Now, I have to go save Gotha- sleep" She shat, and Naruto ran away. I was confused, but, you know, you gotta go when you gotta go.

As I make myself at home, Alfred comes and broung me dinner. "Thank you," I said to him. "No problemo por favor," he says, again, in that shitty british accent. "Ummmmm, ok, have a good night Ally poo." I say to him. For my dinner, he brought me a plate of brown jello? Anyways, I got ready to sleep, but a rumble awaked me. It was, Harry. In my closet.

"Ello love!" He says to me. "I thought I would check in on you!" He says with a smile. I reached over to him and put more flex tape on his tits. "Dude, if you're gonna come into MY room, at least tape up those faucets." I told him. "Like, GODDAMN, you could feed a whole village with that milky goodness." I say to him with a "hello darkness my old friend i come to ask you for 2 dollas. " tone of voice. I looked at him, but before he could say anything back, he shit himself so hard that it shook the ground, good thing he was wearing a diaper. He turned into a bat and flew away. "Goddamn," I say to myself. "Those are some good diapers." I quacked out a laugh, and went to sleep.

I woke up, and saw that Alfred brought me breakfast, which was rocky mountain oysters. I was dipping the testies in syrup, when Haribo called my name. "Renesmee!" she called. "Come down here, we're going shopping!!!" She said, she was HYPED bruv, like superman. I went downstair, and I saw her. She was wearing a long black cloak and a gargamel mask. "I'm hUnTiNg SmUrFs!" She said. "Just kidding!" She removed the costume to reveal a nice MODEST dress. "Now I'm ready!"

We went out to her car which now was a bright blue Kia Sol, not the Batmobile. I got in and sped away to the mall. Then I had to go back and get Haribo and Alfred. I got out of the front seat and got in the back, Alfred und Haribo got in the front. We left and drove for about 10-15 minutes and arrived at the mall. We got out, and walked towards the door. While we were walking Haribo stopped, let out the most flirty fart and kept walking. We went in, and went straight to Claire's. We walked in and I bought hair extensions, and a puppy. His name is Kase. "Thank you sooo much, I'm like, really thankful for you like you are such a shawty bae." I said to her in the most hetero way possible. "You are so welcome." Gummy Frau said to me. "Now, where do we go?" she followed her next sentence with. "HOT TOPIC, obvi!" I said to her, It's the most goth store!

As we entered the Hot Topic store I saw the most beautiful thing I think I've ever seen, it was clothing. I had before been allowed to wear clothes but this, this was different. This was MGK. I shit myself with excitement, and kept walking. The store owner looked at me weird, but I don't know why. Obviously, we bought the MGK clothing and we headed to the front of the mall. "That was fun!" Haribo stated. "I Know!" I say as we get into the Kia Sol. So very fun.

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