Chapter 9

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Regina's POV:

According to the castle clock tower, that I can just about see through the window, Emma has three minutes to return before Snow White is allowed free reign over me. Not that she will ever get that! I may be trapped in here without my magic, but I still have a fist and they have faces that I'd love to punch, and then strangle to death...

The door at the bottom of the tower burst open, slamming against the stone as someone climbs the tower. The sound of their footsteps is quick and rapid, whoever this is, is in a hurry. My guess is on Snow's shepherd husband. Ever since I first met him, he's wanted me dead. Not that I can blame him for hurrying up here. He probably wants to kill me quickly to stop Snow from spiraling into guilt. He can try, but I'm feisty, and not afraid to fight him.

I stood up, my fists clenched at my sides. Ready to face the fake prince. But instead of the arrogant prince appearing, like I originally thought, I was met with a stressed-looking Emma. My fists were unclenched as I asked her, "Did you finally calm down from your temper tantrum, Princess?" She glares at me, not stopping whatever she is doing by my cell door, "Oh wait, you aren't a princess anymore. What a shame..."

She stops what she's doing. Her breathing is heavy, and her head is low and concentrated on whatever she's looking at until she turns her head to look over at me. She's unimpressed, irritated even. That look in her eyes right now, like she wants to throttle me, god I've missed it. I used to hate myself for being hated by everyone, but things changed after twenty-eight years, and seeing that irritation in her eyes right now makes me feel the most alive I have in decades!


"Regina, I get that you've had no one to talk to or insult in a long time. For that I am sorry but if you stop for a moment. You will realize that I am trying to break you out." She snaps. I look down at her hands. They're by the lock, they're holding two pieces of metal? "Now please, shut up, whilst I try and unlock this."

I've been silenced. Not literally, I can still speak, but Emma's doing something to the lock. What she's doing with that metal, I don't know. But it doesn't look like a key. After a few silent moments and some movement from Emma, I hear a click. Emma looks at me with a wide smile as she opens the door.

"Are you ready to be free, Regina?" Emma asks with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

I stand taller, more regal-like as I walk out the door. Just taking that one step outside the cell feels like a heavy weight lifted off my body. I look at Emma, who I now notice is taller than me, with a grin. I sigh and say, "I've waited my entire life for this moment. I'm not backing out now."

"Great! Let's go. Follow me." Emma said as she started descending the stairs. I follow quickly, not wanting to stay in that tower for a moment longer. We reach the bottom of the staircase. Emma motions for me to stop. She pokes her head out and looks out for any guards. "The guards are swapping shifts. We've got two minutes max before we can't leave here." She moves into the hallway. I follow, taking note of the awfully cheery décor of the castle halls. It hasn't changed one bit since I was last subject to this awful 'summer' castle. I roll my eyes as we pass a painting of two bluetits. It's such a tacky painting and yet it's a perfect representation of Snow...

I'm dragged quickly behind a pillar and I almost yelp in surprise but am stopped by Emma who has her hand over my mouth and is pressing her body against mine. I'm not sure what to make of it. I want to yell at her for disrespecting my personal space like that but I'm also, ugh, grateful for her quick reflexes. With her hand still on my mouth, she watches closely as the two guards pass us by. Once they've gone she looks back at me. She uses her free hand and places it on her lips, obviously wanting me to remain quiet. I roll my eyes at her which she sighs at. She grabs my hand and starts to quickly make her way through the castle. 

True Love's Curse (SwanQueen)Where stories live. Discover now